short shrift

short shrift

1) короткая расправа;
недостаток внимания или заботы to give short short shrift to smb. ≈ быстро расправиться с кем-л. The idea has been given short shrift by philosophers. ≈ Философы уделили мало внимания этой идее.
2) короткий срок между приговором и казнью короткая расправа - to give * to smb., to make * of smb. быстро покончить с кем-либо - to give * to an opponent's arguments разбить аргументы противника короткий промежуток времени между приговором и казнью (для причащения) незначительная отсрочка, передышка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "short shrift" в других словарях:

  • short shrift — n. 1) Summary, careless treatment; scant attention: »These annoying memos will get short shrift from the boss. 2) Quick work. 3) a) A short respite, as from death. b) The brief time before execution granted a condemned prisoner for confession and …   Word Histories

  • short shrift — n. 1. Obs. a brief time granted a condemned person for religious confession and absolution before his execution 2. very little care or attention, as from lack of patience or sympathy make short shrift of to make short work of; dispose of quickly… …   English World dictionary

  • short shrift — If somebody gives you short shrift, they treat you rudely and brusquely, showing no interest or sympathy …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • short shrift — short′ shrift′ n. 1) a brief time for confession or absolution given to a condemned prisoner before his or her execution 2) little attention or consideration in dealing with a person or matter • Etymology: 1585–95 …   From formal English to slang

  • short shrift — ► NOUN ▪ rapid and unsympathetic dismissal; curt treatment. ORIGIN originally in sense «little time allowed for making confession between being condemned and executed or punished» …   English terms dictionary

  • short shrift — n. quick work 1) to make short shrift of ( to finish with quickly ) 2) to give smb. short shrift ( to deal with smb. summarily ) 3) to get short shrift from smb. ( to be treated summarily by smb. ) * * * [ˌʃɔːt ʃrɪft] to get short shrift from smb …   Combinatory dictionary

  • short shrift — noun a brief and unsympathetic rejection they made short shrift of my request • Syn: ↑summary treatment • Hypernyms: ↑rejection * * * n. rapid and unsympathetic dismissal; curt treatment the judge gave short shrift to an argument based on the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • short shrift —    If somebody gives you short shrift, they treat you rudely and brusquely, showing no interest or sympathy.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    If someone or something gets short shrift, they are given little attention or sympathy.     When… …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • short shrift — Meaning To get an unfairly small portion. A shrift was a confession given to a priest who then gave absolution. In the 17th century criminals were sent to the scaffold immediately after sentencing. They only had time for a short shrift before… …   Meaning and origin of phrases

  • short shrift — noun Date: 1594 1. barely adequate time for confession before execution 2. a. little or no attention or consideration < gave the problem short shrift > b. quick work usually used in the phrase make short shrift of …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • short shrift — a firm and immediate refusal to do something, give something, or deal with something in a sympathetic way I ll give them short shrift if they ask me for money! Any mention of overworked teachers gets short shrift from him …   English dictionary

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