Sexagenary — Sex*ag e*na*ry, a. [L. sexagenarius, fr. sexageni sixty each, akin to sexaginta sixty, sex six: cf. sexag[ e]naire. See {Six}.] Pertaining to, or designating, the number sixty; poceeding by sixties; sixty years old. [1913 Webster] {Sexagenary… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sexagenary — Sex*ag e*na*ry, n. 1. Something composed of sixty parts or divisions. [1913 Webster] 2. A sexagenarian. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sexagenary arithmetic — Sexagenary Sex*ag e*na*ry, a. [L. sexagenarius, fr. sexageni sixty each, akin to sexaginta sixty, sex six: cf. sexag[ e]naire. See {Six}.] Pertaining to, or designating, the number sixty; poceeding by sixties; sixty years old. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sexagenary scale — Sexagenary Sex*ag e*na*ry, a. [L. sexagenarius, fr. sexageni sixty each, akin to sexaginta sixty, sex six: cf. sexag[ e]naire. See {Six}.] Pertaining to, or designating, the number sixty; poceeding by sixties; sixty years old. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sexagenary cycle — The Chinese sexagenary cycle (zh cp|c=干支|p=gānzhī) is a cyclic numeral system of 60 combinations of the two basic cycles, the ten Heavenly Stems (天干; tiāngān) and the twelve Earthly Branches (地支; dìzhī). This traditional Chinese calendrical… … Wikipedia
Sexagenary arithmetic — Sexagesimal Sex a*ges i*mal, a. [Cf. F. sexag[ e]simal.] Pertaining to, or founded on, the number sixty. [1913 Webster] {Sexagesimal fractions} or {Sexagesimal numbers} (Arith. & Alg.), those fractions whose denominators are some power of sixty;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sexagenary — /sek saj euh ner ee/, adj., n., pl. sexagenaries. adj. 1. of or pertaining to the number 60. 2. composed of or proceeding by sixties. 3. sexagenarian. n. 4. a sexagenarian. [1525 35; < L sexagenarius, equiv. to sexagen(i), distributive of… … Universalium
sexagenary — 1. adjective a) of or pertaining to the number sixty; composed of, or proceeding by sixties b) sexagenarian 2. noun a) sexagesimal b) sexagenarian … Wiktionary
sexagenary — adj. pertaining or indicating the number 60; proceeding by sixties; sexagenarian, 70 years old, of the age of 70; between the ages of 70 80sex·ag·e·nar·y || sek sægɪnerɪ /sek sÉ™dʒɪËnÉ™rɪ … English contemporary dictionary
sexagenary — sex·ag·e·nary … English syllables
sexagenary — /sɛksəˈdʒinəri/ (say seksuh jeenuhree), /ˈsɛksədʒənəri/ (say seksuhjuhnuhree) adjective 1. of or relating to the number 60. 2. composed of or proceeding by sixties. 3. Rare → sexagenarian (def. 1). –noun (plural sexagenaries) 4. Rare → …