
1. прил. шестидесятилетний
2. сущ. человек шестидесяти лет (книжное) человек в возрасте от 59 до 70 лет (книжное) шестидесятилетний (книжное) типичный для человека в возрасте от 59 до 70 лет sexagenarian человек в возрасте между 59 и 70 годами ~ шестидесятилетний (в возрасте между 59 и 70 годами) sexagenary: sexagenary n = sexagenarian ~ = sexagenarian

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sexagenarian" в других словарях:

  • Sexagenarian — Sex a*ge*na ri*an, n. [See {Sexagenary}.] A person who is sixty years old. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sexagenarian — 1738, person sixty years old, from L. sexagenarius containing sixty, from L. sexagenarius, from sexageni sixty each, from sex (see SIX (Cf. six)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • sexagenarian — [sek΄sə ji ner′ē ən] adj. [< L sexagenarius, of sixty < sexageni, sixty each + AN] 60 years old, or between the ages of 60 and 70 n. a person of this age …   English World dictionary

  • sexagenarian — UK [ˌseksədʒəˈneərɪən] / US [ˌseksədʒəˈnerɪən] noun [countable] Word forms sexagenarian : singular sexagenarian plural sexagenarians formal someone who is between 60 and 69 years old Derived word: sexagenarian UK / US adjective …   English dictionary

  • sexagenarian — noun Etymology: Latin sexagenarius of or containing sixty, sixty years old, from sexageni sixty each, from sexaginta sixty, from sex six + ginta (akin to Latin viginti twenty) more at six, vigesimal Date: 1738 a person whose age is in the sixties …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sexagenarian — /sek seuh jeuh nair ee euhn/, adj. 1. of the age of 60 years or between 60 and 70 years old. n. 2. a sexagenarian person. [1730 40; < L sexagenari(us) SEXAGENARY + AN] * * * …   Universalium

  • sexagenarian — sex•a•ge•nar•i•an [[t]ˌsɛk sə dʒəˈnɛər i ən[/t]] adj. 1) of the age of 60 years or between 60 and 70 years old 2) a sexagenarian person • Etymology: 1730–40; < L sexāgēnāri(us) of sixty < sexageni …   From formal English to slang

  • sexagenarian — /sɛksədʒəˈnɛəriən/ (say seksuhjuh nairreeuhn) adjective 1. of the age of 60 years, or between 60 and 70 years old. –noun 2. a sexagenarian person. Also, Rare, sexagenary …  

  • sexagenarian — 1. adjective Being between the age of 60 and 69, inclusive. In ones seventh decade. 2. noun A person who is 60 years old or between the ages of 60 and 69 …   Wiktionary

  • sexagenarian — Synonyms and related words: Father Time, L, Methuselah, Nestor, Old Paar, Sexagesima, boxcar, boxcars, centenarian, dotard, dozen, duodecimo, eighty, elder, eleven, fifteen, fifty, five and twenty, fortnight, forty, four and twenty, fourscore,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • sexagenarian — sex|a|ge|na|ri|an [ˌseksədʒəˈneəriən US ˈner ] n someone who is between 60 and 69 years old …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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