
1) проводы, напутствие Syn : seeing-off
2) отзыв, рецензия (разговорное) проводы - to give smb. a showy * устроить кому-л. пышные проводы - a * to one's new home проводы на новое место жительства - a good * to the other world пышные похороны почин, начало - to give a good * in smth. сделать в чем-л. хороший почин - to have a good * быть хорошо принятым;
хорошо начать (что-л.) рецензия;
отзыв (особ. на премьеру) - the book was given a good * книга получила хвалебный отзыв - the new play had a poor * новая пьеса была плохо встречена (прессой)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "send-off" в других словарях:

  • send-off — /send awf , of /, n. 1. a demonstration of good wishes for a person setting out on a trip, career, or other venture: They gave him a rousing send off at the pier. 2. a start given to a person or thing. [1855 60, Amer.; n. use of v. phrase send… …   Universalium

  • send-off — send offs N COUNT: usu adj N If a group of people give someone who is going away a send off, they come together to say goodbye to them. [INFORMAL] All the people in the buildings came to give me a rousing send off …   English dictionary

  • send-off — n informal a party or other occasion when people meet to say goodbye to someone who is leaving ▪ The department gave Tom a send off he won t forget! …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • send off — (something) to mail something. She sent off copies of the drawing to several friends. She wrote a 500 word article on Indian baskets and sent it off with photographs …   New idioms dictionary

  • send off — ► send off (of a soccer or rugby referee) order (a player) to leave the field and take no further part in the game. Main Entry: ↑send …   English terms dictionary

  • send-off — ☆ send off [send′ôf΄ ] n. Informal 1. an expression or demonstration of friendly feeling toward someone starting out on a trip, career, etc. 2. a start given to someone or something …   English World dictionary

  • send off — index cast (throw), dismiss (discharge), launch (project), project (impel forward) Bu …   Law dictionary

  • send-off — send′ off n. 1) a demonstration of good wishes for a person setting out on a new venture 2) a start; impetus • Etymology: 1855–60, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • send-off — ► NOUN ▪ a celebratory demonstration of goodwill at a person s departure …   English terms dictionary

  • send off — verb 1. send away towards a designated goal • Syn: ↑dispatch, ↑despatch • Derivationally related forms: ↑despatch (for: ↑despatch), ↑dispatch (for: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • send-off — n. to give smb. a (big) send off (they gave her quite a send off) * * * [ sendɒf] to give smb. a (big) send off (they gave her quite a send off) …   Combinatory dictionary

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