Смотреть что такое "selenide" в других словарях:
Selenide — sind binäre Metall Verbindungen des chemischen Elementes Selen. Sie können als Salze der Selenwasserstoffsäure aufgefasst werden. In der organischen Chemie werden Verbindungen der allgemeinen Strukturformel R Se R (R, R = Alkyl oder Arylreste)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Selenide — Sel e*nide, n. (Chem.) A binary compound of selenium, or a compound regarded as binary; as, ethyl selenide. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Selenide — The selenide ion is Se2−.A selenide is a chemical compound in which selenium serves as an anion with oxidation number of −2, much as sulfur does in a sulfide.Examples* hydrogen selenide, H2Se * sodium selenide, Na2SeSee for a list.DiscussionThe… … Wikipedia
selenide — /sel euh nuyd , nid/, n. Chem. any compound in which bivalent selenium is combined with a positive element, as potassium selenide, K2Se, or with a group. [1840 50; SELEN(IUM) + IDE] * * * … Universalium
selenide — selenidas statusas T sritis chemija formulė M₂Se atitikmenys: angl. selenide rus. селенид … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Selenide, water dikinase — In enzymology, a selenide, water dikinase (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:ATP + selenide + H2O ightleftharpoons AMP + selenophosphate + phosphateThe 3 substrates of this enzyme are ATP, selenide, and H2O,… … Wikipedia
Selenide mineral — A selenide mineral is a mineral that has selenide anion as a main component.Selenides are similar to sulfides and often grouped with them.Some examples are sederholmite and umangite.See for a list … Wikipedia
selenide — noun Date: 1849 a binary compound of selenium with a more electropositive element or group … New Collegiate Dictionary
selenide — noun a) any compound in which selenium serves as an anion with an oxidation number of 2 b) any organic compound of general formula RSeR (R not = H) analogous to the ethers … Wiktionary
sélénide — (sé lé ni d ) s. m. Terme de chimie. Séléniure qui, en se combinant avec un autre séléniure, joue le rôle d acide par rapport à ce dernier. S. m. pl. Les sélénides, famille de minéraux qui comprend le sélénium … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
selenide — sel·e·nide (selґə nīd) a compound of selenium with another element or radical … Medical dictionary