Смотреть что такое "selenic" в других словарях:
selenic — SELÉNIC, Ă, selenici, ce, adj. Care conţine seleniu. Acid selenic. – Din fr. sélénique. Trimis de LauraGellner, 21.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 SELÉNIC adj. v. lunar. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime selénic adj … Dicționar Român
Selenic — Se*len ic, a. [Cf. F. s[ e]l[ e]nique.] (Chem.) Of or pertaining to selenium; derived from, or containing, selenium; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a higher valence as contrasted with selenious compounds. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Selenić — [ nitɕ], Slobodan, serbischer Schriftsteller, * Pakrac (Republik Kroatien) 7. 6. 1933; setzt sich in seinen Romanen mit der ethischen Deformation der zeitgenössischen Gesellschaft auseinander; auch Dramen (»Kosančićev venac 7«, 1982);… … Universal-Lexikon
selenic — [sə lē′nik, səlen′ik] adj. [< SELENIUM & IC] designating or of compounds in which selenium has a higher valence than in corresponding selenous compounds: usually containing tetravalent or hexavalent selenium … English World dictionary
selenic — I. sə̇ˈlenik, lēn adjective Etymology: selen (I) + ic : of, relating to, or like the moon II. adjective Etymology: Swedish selen selenic (from … Useful english dictionary
selenic acid — n. a colorless, crystalline acid, H2SeO4, resembling sulfuric acid in its action … English World dictionary
Selenic acid — Chembox new Name = Selenic acid ImageFile = Selenic acid 2D.png ImageName = Selenic acid ImageFile1 = Selenic acid 3D vdW.png ImageName1 = Selenic acid IUPACName = Selenic(VI) acid OtherNames = Selenic acid Section1 = Chembox Identifiers SMILES … Wikipedia
selenic acid — selenato rūgštis statusas T sritis chemija formulė H₂SeO₄ atitikmenys: angl. selenic acid rus. селеновая кислота ryšiai: sinonimas – seleno rūgštis sinonimas – vandenilio tetraoksoselenatas (2–) … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
selenic — /si lee nik, len ik/, adj. Chem. of or containing selenium, esp. in the hexavalent state. [1810 20; SELEN(IUM) + IC] * * * … Universalium
selenic — adjective Of, pertaining to or containing selenium, especially in a higher oxidation state than the corresponding selenious compound See Also: seleno … Wiktionary
selenic — se·le·nic || sɪ lenɪk , lÉªË adj. (Chemistry) containing selenium, of selenium (chemical element) … English contemporary dictionary