see daylight

see daylight
видеть просвет, находить выход из положения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "see daylight" в других словарях:

  • see daylight — ► see daylight begin to understand something. Main Entry: ↑daylight …   English terms dictionary

  • see daylight — {v. phr.}, {informal} To know that an end or success is near. * /We thought we would never finish building the house, but now we can see daylight./ * /Sarah thought it would take forever to read the book for her report, but finally she saw… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • see daylight — {v. phr.}, {informal} To know that an end or success is near. * /We thought we would never finish building the house, but now we can see daylight./ * /Sarah thought it would take forever to read the book for her report, but finally she saw… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • see\ daylight — v. phr. informal To know that an end or success is near. We thought we would never finish building the house, but now we can see daylight. Sarah thought it would take forever to read the book for her report, but finally she saw daylight …   Словарь американских идиом

  • see daylight — 1 Sam finally saw daylight: UNDERSTAND, comprehend, realize, see the light; informal cotton on, catch on, latch on, get the picture, get the message, get it; Brit. informal twig …   Useful english dictionary

  • see daylight — 1) to see outside when it is daytime I ve been working so hard, I feel like I haven t seen daylight for weeks. 2) to understand something that you could not understand before Suddenly Sam saw daylight …   English dictionary

  • see daylight — begin to understand something. → daylight …   English new terms dictionary

  • see daylight — be close to a solution, be close to the end …   English contemporary dictionary

  • daylight — ► NOUN 1) the natural light of the day. 2) dawn. 3) visible distance between one person or thing and another. 4) (the (living) daylights) life: he beat the living daylights out of them. ● see daylight Cf. ↑see daylight …   English terms dictionary

  • daylight — [dā′līt΄] n. 1. the light of day; sunlight 2. dawn; daybreak 3. full understanding or knowledge of something hidden or obscure 4. the approaching end of a task or an ordeal [to see daylight ahead] 5. [pl.] [Old Slang] Slang former the eyes 6 …   English World dictionary

  • daylight — See: SCARE OUT OF ONE S WITS or SCARE THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF, SEE DAYLIGHT …   Dictionary of American idioms

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