Смотреть что такое "scuttering" в других словарях:
scuttering — n. (British) scurry, quick run or movement, scamper, scuttle v. (British) scamper, run or move quickly, scuttle, scurry … English contemporary dictionary
road\ rash — The severe skin injuries that occur as the result of a motorcycle accident. He was thrown from the bike and went scuttering down the highway for 50 yards. The worst case of road rash I ve ever seen … Dictionary of american slang
road\ rash — The severe skin injuries that occur as the result of a motorcycle accident. He was thrown from the bike and went scuttering down the highway for 50 yards. The worst case of road rash I ve ever seen … Dictionary of american slang
scutter — chiefly Brit. verb move hurriedly with short steps. noun an act or sound of scuttering. Origin C18: perh. an alt. of scuttle2 … English new terms dictionary
scutter — chiefly Brit. ► VERB ▪ move hurriedly with short steps. ► NOUN ▪ an act or sound of scuttering. ORIGIN perhaps from SCUTTLE(Cf. ↑scuttle) … English terms dictionary
scutter — v. & n. v.intr. colloq. scurry. n. the act or an instance of scuttering. Etymology: perh. alt. of SCUTTLE(2) … Useful english dictionary
scut|ter — «SKUHT uhr», verb, noun. Dialect. –v.i. to scurry. –n. a scuttering; scurrying … Useful english dictionary