
1. гл.
1) бранить(ся) , ругать(ся) It's no use scolding the child for his behaviour. ≈ Не стоит бранить ребенка за его поведение. Syn : bawl out
2) , be down on
1) , berate, bring up
10) , brush down, burn up
5) , call down
4) , chew out, chew up
3) , chide, choke off
3) , come down on
3) , dress down
1) , dust down
2) , hop on
2) , jack up
3) , land on
2) , lay out
8) , rebuke, reprove, sail into
1) , scold
1. , sit on
3) , speak to
4) , step on
3) , strip down, strip off
2) , take apart
4) , talk to
1) , tell off
3) , tick off
3) , upbraid, walk into
2) , chide Ant : praise
2) брюзжать, ворчать Syn : grumble, growl
2. сущ. сварливая женщина, змея, мегера, ведьма сварливая баба;
мегера, ведьма - his wife is a * жена постоянно его пилит сквернослов;
женщина, имеющая привычку непристойно ругаться - common * женщина, постоянно нарушающая общественный порядок (сквернословием) - *'s bit /bridle/ (историческое) кляп (исползуемый в качестве наказания за ругань) (диалектизм) брань, ругань;
нагоняй журить, бранить;
ругать - to * a naughty child (по) журить непослушного ребенка - to * a servant бранить слугу - to * smb. for smth. /for doing smth./ ругать кого-л. за что-л. браниться, ругаться - to * and grumble on the most trivial pretext браниться и ворчать по всяким пустякам - to be more ready to laugh than to * быть веселого нрава брюзжать, ворчать - to be always *ing постоянно брюзжать (устаревшее) грубо и крикливо ссориться, сквернословить (обыкн. о женщинах) scold бранить(ся) , распекать ~ ворчать, брюзжать ~ сварливая женщина

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "scold" в других словарях:

  • scold — n shrew, vixen, termagant, *virago, amazon scold vb Scold, upbraid, rate, berate, tongue lash, jaw, bawl, chew out, wig, rail, revile, vituperate can all mean to reprove, reproach, or censure angrily, harshly, and more or less abusively. Scold,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • scold´er — scold «skohld», verb, noun. –v.t. to find fault with; blame with angry words: »His brother scolded him for breaking the baseball bat. –v.i. 1. to find fault; talk angrily: »Don t scold so much. 2. Obsolete. to quarrel noisily; brawl. ╂[< noun] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Scold — Scold, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Scolded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Scolding}.] [Akin to D. schelden, G. schelten, OHG. sceltan, Dan. skielde.] To find fault or rail with rude clamor; to brawl; to utter harsh, rude, boisterous rebuke; to chide sharply or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Scold — Scold, n. 1. One who scolds, or makes a practice of scolding; esp., a rude, clamorous woman; a shrew. [1913 Webster] She is an irksome, brawling scold. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. A scolding; a brawl. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scold — [skəuld US skould] v [T] [Date: 1200 1300; Origin: Probably from a Scandinavian language] to angrily criticize someone, especially a child, about something they have done = ↑tell off ▪ Do not scold the puppy, but simply and firmly say no. scold… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • scold — scold·er; scold·ing·ly; scold; …   English syllables

  • Scold — Scold, v. t. To chide with rudeness and clamor; to rate; also, to rebuke or reprove with severity. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scold — [skōld] n. [ME scolde < ON skald, poet (prob. of satirical verses)] a person, esp. a woman, who habitually uses abusive language vt. [ME scolden < the n.] to find fault with angrily; rebuke or chide severely vi. 1. to find fault angrily 2.… …   English World dictionary

  • scold — index castigate, denounce (condemn), disapprove (condemn), fault, inveigh, rebuke, remonstrate …   Law dictionary

  • scold — (n.) mid 12c., person of ribald speech, also person fond of abusive language, from O.N. skald poet (see SKALD (Cf. skald)). The sense evolution may reflect the fact that Germanic poets (like their Celtic counterparts) were famously feared for… …   Etymology dictionary

  • scold — [v] find fault with abuse, admonish, asperse, berate, blame, castigate, cavil, censure, chasten, chide, criticize, denounce, disparage, dress down*, expostulate, give a talking to*, jump on*, keep aft*, lay down the law*, lecture, light into*,… …   New thesaurus

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