
̈ɪˈsæpɪ I прил.
1) сочный (о растениях) , полный сока (о деревьях)
2) полный жизненный сил, энергичный;
3) разг. чрезмерно сентиментальный, слащавый This painting belongs to the sappiest phase of his art. ≈ Эта картина относится к самому сентиментальному периоду в развитии его живописи. Syn : sweet, sentimental II прил.;
разг. глупый, дурацкий I wrote this sappy love song. ≈ Я сочинил эту дурацкую песню о любви. sappyhead Syn : foolish, silly
1. сочный, в соку (о растениях) молодой, полный сил, живой, энергичный (разговорное) глупый, недалекий (редкое) слабохарактерный, мягкотелый sappy разг. глупый ~ разг. мягкотельный, слабохарактерный ~ сильный, молодой;
полный сил, в соку ~ сочный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sappy" в других словарях:

  • Sappy — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Sappy» Canción de Nirvana álbum No Alternative Publicación 26 de octubre de 1993 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sappy — Sap py, a. [Compar. {Sappier}; superl. {Sappiest}.] [From 1st {Sap}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Abounding with sap; full of sap; juicy; succulent. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence, young, not firm; weak, feeble. [1913 Webster] When he had passed this weak and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sappy — Sap py, a. [Written also {sapy}.] [Cf. L. sapere to taste.] Musty; tainted. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sappy — (mélange du mot sad [triste] et de happy [joyeux]) est un titre du groupe grunge Nirvana, ce morceau de musique est diffusé dans la compile The best of the box sortie en 2006, 12 ans après le suicide de Kurt Cobain, leader du groupe. Portail de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sappy — full of sap, Late O.E. sæpig, from sæp (see SAP (Cf. sap) (n.1)). Figurative sense of foolishly sentimental (1660s) may have developed from an intermediate sense of wet, sodden (late 15c.). Earlier, now obs., figurative senses were full of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • sappy — [adj] foolish, sentimental absurd, balmy, bathetic, crazy*, drippy*, idiotic, illogical, insane, loony*, maudlin, mushy*, preposterous, silly, slushy*, soppy*, sticky*, stupid; concepts 403,542 Ant. realistic, serious …   New thesaurus

  • sappy — ► ADJECTIVE (sappier, sappiest) 1) informal, chiefly N. Amer. over sentimental. 2) (of a plant) containing a lot of sap …   English terms dictionary

  • sappy — [sap′ē] adj. sappier, sappiest [ME sapy < OE sæpig] 1. full of sap; juicy 2. [< SAP1, n. 4] Slang foolish; silly sappiness n …   English World dictionary

  • Sappy — For the record label see Sappy Records. Sappy aka Verse Chorus Verse Song by Nirvana from the album No Alternative With the Lights Out Sliver: The Best of the Box Nevermind (deluxe) Released October 26, 1993 …   Wikipedia

  • sappy — [[t]sæ̱pi[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Sappy stems or leaves contain a lot of liquid. Do not overfeed them, as this will encourage soft sappy growth. 2) ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe someone or something as sappy, you think they are foolish. [AM …   English dictionary

  • Sappy — Recorded in many forms including: Sapey, Sappey, Sappy, Saipy, and Sepey, this is an English surname. It is almost certainly locational, and would seem to derive from either (the Isle of) Sheppey in the county of Kent, or from the twin villages… …   Surnames reference

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