
rɪˈzaɪd гл.
1) а) проживать, жить (где-л.) ;
пребывать, находиться (in, at) When you have resided in the country for five years, you may become a citizen. ≈ После того, как ты прожил в стране пять лет, ты можешь стать ее гражданином. Syn : dwell, inhabit, live, occupy, settle б) временно проживать по месту службы
2) принадлежатьправах и т. п.) (in кому-л.) ;
возлагаться {(на кого-л.}}) The power to change the law resides in Parliament. ≈ Право менять законы принадлежит парламенту.
3) быть присущим, свойственным неотъемлемым (in) His chief attraction resides in his character. ≈ Он привлекает главным образом своим характером. (книжное) (in, at) проживать, жить;
пребывать, находиться (где-л.) - permission to * разрешение на жительство - to * in the country жить за городом - to * abroad жить за границей - to * at 27 Gorky Street проживать в доме 27 по улице Горького (in) принадлежать (о правах) - the power *s in the people власть принадлежит народу (in) быть присущим, свойственным - fertility residing in the soil плодородность, присущая данной почве reside быть присущим, свойственным (in) ~ находиться ~ пребывать ~ принадлежать (о правах и т. п.;
in - кому-л.) ~ принадлежать (о праве) ~ принадлежать ~ проживать, жить (где-л.) ;
пребывать, находиться (in, at) ~ проживать

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "reside" в других словарях:

  • reside — I verb abide, be located, be quartered, be situated, become a citizen, bide, domicile, domiciliate, dwell, establish oneself, habitare, have an address, incolere, indwell, inhabit, inhabitare, live, live at, lodge, occupy, remain, settle, sojourn …   Law dictionary

  • reside — reside, live, dwell, sojourn, lodge, stay, put up, stop can all mean to abide in a particular place as one s habitation or domicile. Reside and live express this idea, often without further implications. Usually, however, when the term is… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Reside — Re*side (r? z?d ), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Resided}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Residing}.] [F. r[ e]sider, L. residere; pref. re re + sedere to sit. See {Sit}. ] 1. To dwell permanently or for a considerable time; to have a settled abode for a time; to abide …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • reside in — index inhabit, occupy (take possession) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • reside — mid 15c., to settle, from O.Fr. resider, from L. residere to remain behind, rest, from re back, again + sedere to sit (see SEDENTARY (Cf. sedentary)). Meaning to dwell permanently first attested 1570s …   Etymology dictionary

  • reside — [v] live or exist in abide, be intrinsic to, be vested, bide, consist, continue, crash*, dig*, dwell, endure, hang one’s hat*, inhabit, inhere, lie, locate, lodge, nest, occupy, park*, people, perch, populate, remain, rest with, roost, settle,… …   New thesaurus

  • reside — ► VERB 1) have one s permanent home in a particular place. 2) (of a right or legal power) belong to a person or body. 3) (of a quality) be present or inherent in something …   English terms dictionary

  • reside — [ri zīd′] vi. resided, residing [ME resyden < MFr resider < L residere < re , back + sedere, to SIT] 1. to dwell for a long time; have one s residence; live (in or at) 2. to be present or inherent; exist (in): said of qualities, etc. 3.… …   English World dictionary

  • reside — re|side [rıˈzaıd] v [I always + adverb/preposition] [Date: 1400 1500; : French; Origin: résider, from Latin residere to sit back, remain, stay , from sedere to sit ] formal to live in a particular place ▪ He spent most of his time in Rutherglen,… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • reside — verb 1) most students reside in apartments Syn: live in, occupy, inhabit, stay in, lodge in; formal dwell in, be domiciled in 2) the paintings reside in an air conditioned vault Syn: be situated, be found, be located, lie …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • reside — UK [rɪˈzaɪd] / US verb [intransitive] Word forms reside : present tense I/you/we/they reside he/she/it resides present participle residing past tense resided past participle resided formal to live in a particular place Phrasal verbs: reside in …   English dictionary

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