reproduce process
Смотреть что такое "reproduce process" в других словарях:
reproduce — reproducer, n. reproducible, adj. reproducibility, n. /ree preuh doohs , dyoohs /, v., reproduced, reproducing. v.t. 1. to make a copy, representation, duplicate, or close imitation of: to reproduce a picture. 2. to produce again or anew by… … Universalium
reproduce — [c]/riprəˈdjus / (say reepruh dyoohs) verb (reproduced, reproducing) –verb (t) 1. to make a copy, representation, duplicate, or close imitation of: to reproduce a picture; to reproduce a voice. 2. to produce again or anew by natural process: to… …
reproduce — Date: circa 1611 transitive verb to produce again: as a. to produce (new individuals of the same kind) by a sexual or asexual process b. to cause to exist again or anew < reproduce water from steam > c. to imitate closely < sound effects can… … New Collegiate Dictionary
reproduce — re•pro•duce [[t]ˌri prəˈdus, ˈdyus[/t]] v. duced, duc•ing 1) to make a copy or close imitation of; duplicate 2) to produce again or anew by natural process 3) dvl to produce one or more other individuals of (a given kind of organism) by some… … From formal English to slang
process color — noun Short for four color printing process. A printing process which uses four specific colored inks: cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK), and halftone printing plates, to reproduce a range of colors. Syn: CMYK, four co, [[full process, [[full … Wiktionary
reproduce — re·pro·duce .rē prə d(y)üs vb, duced; duc·ing vt 1) to produce (new individuals of the same kind) by a sexual or asexual process 2) to achieve (an original result or score) again or anew by repeating an experiment or test vi 1) to undergo… … Medical dictionary
Moran process — A Moran process, named after Patrick Moran, is a stochastic process used in biology to describe finite populations. It can be used to model variety increasing processes such as mutation as well as variety reducing effects such as genetic drift… … Wikipedia
Galton–Watson process — The Galton–Watson process is a stochastic process arising from Francis Galton s statistical investigation of the extinction of surnames. History There was concern amongst the Victorians that aristocratic surnames were becoming extinct. Galton… … Wikipedia
Paget process — The Paget process was an early color photography process patented in Britain in 1912 by G.S. Whitfield and first marketed by the Paget Prize Plate Company in 1913. A paper based Paget process was also briefly sold. Both were discontinued in the… … Wikipedia
halftone process — In printing, a technique of breaking up an image into a series of dots to permit reproduction of the full tone range of a photograph or artwork. It is traditionally done by placing a glass screen printed with a tight grid of lines over the plate… … Universalium
evolution — evolutional, adj. evolutionally, adv. /ev euh looh sheuhn/ or, esp. Brit., /ee veuh /, n. 1. any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane. 2. a product of such development; something… … Universalium