reproduce data
Смотреть что такое "reproduce data" в других словарях:
Data sharing — is the practice of making data used for scholarly research available to other investigators. Replication has a long history in science. The motto of The Royal Society is Nullius in verba , translated Take no man s word for it. [1] Many funding… … Wikipedia
Data dredging — (data fishing, data snooping) is the inappropriate (sometimes deliberately so) use of data mining to uncover misleading relationships in data. Data snooping bias is a form of statistical bias that arises from this misuse of statistics. Any… … Wikipedia
Data Position Measurement — (DPM) is a copy protection mechanism that operates by measuring the physical location of data on an optical disc. Stamped CDs are perfect clones and always have the data at the expected location, while a burned copy would exhibit physical… … Wikipedia
Data-snooping bias — In statistics, data snooping bias is a form of statistical bias generated by the misuse of data mining techniques which can lead to bogus results in scientific research. Although data snooping biases can occur in any field that uses data mining,… … Wikipedia
Light Data Transmission — attempts to transfer information using visible light.The Visible Light Communications Consortium are proposing using light emitting diodes to turn ordinary household fixtures such as light bulbs, televisions, or even flashlights into data… … Wikipedia
Vapor pressures of the elements (data page) — … Wikipedia
Hiperconjugación — En química orgánica, la hiperconjugación es la interacción estabilizante que resulta de la interacción de los electrones en un orbital sigma (generalmente C H o C C) con un orbital pi adyacente vacío, no enlazante o antienlazantes, o con un… … Wikipedia Español
Hyperconjugation — In organic chemistry, hyperconjugation is the interaction of the electrons in a sigma bond (usually C–H or C–C) with an adjacent empty (or partially filled) non bonding p orbital or antibonding π orbital or filled π orbital, to give an extended… … Wikipedia
evolution — evolutional, adj. evolutionally, adv. /ev euh looh sheuhn/ or, esp. Brit., /ee veuh /, n. 1. any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane. 2. a product of such development; something… … Universalium
Government procurement in the United States — is based on many of the same principles as commercial contracting, but is subject to special laws and regulation as described below. Persons entering into commercial contracts are pretty much free to do anything that they can agree on. Each… … Wikipedia
Government contract — Contracting with the U.S. Government is based on many of the same principles as commercial contracting andcan be very profitable, but is sufficiently different from commercial contracting to require special care.Persons entering into commercial… … Wikipedia