repetend period
Смотреть что такое "repetend period" в других словарях:
burden — Synonyms and related words: Spenserian stanza, accommodation, add, adjoin, affix, afflict, affliction, agglutinate, agitate, albatross, allegiance, amount, anacrusis, annex, antistrophe, append, arraignability, arraignableness, assigned task,… … Moby Thesaurus
chorus — Synonyms and related words: Liederkranz, Liedertafel, PS, Parthian shot, Spenserian stanza, a cappella, acclamation, accord, accordance, act like, acting company, addendum, affect, affinity, afterthought, agreement, agreement of all, anacrusis,… … Moby Thesaurus
refrain — Synonyms and related words: PS, Parthian shot, Spenserian stanza, abandon, abort, abstain, abstain from, addendum, afterthought, air, anacrusis, antistrophe, appendix, aria, arrest, avoid, back matter, bass passage, belay, bis, bob, book, bourdon … Moby Thesaurus