render aid

render aid
оказывать помощь оказывать помощь

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "render aid" в других словарях:

  • AID — 1 vt: to provide with what is useful in achieving an end conspiracy to counsel or aid draft resisters K. A. Cohen often used in the phrase aid and abet; see also abet vi: to be of use aided in the commission of the crime aid·er …   Law dictionary

  • render — ren‧der [ˈrendə ǁ ər] verb [transitive] formal 1. to cause something to change in a particular way: • He was denied building permission for his property, effectively rendering it worthless. • In some cases, companies were rendered insolvent when… …   Financial and business terms

  • aid — I n. 1) to extend, give, offer, provide, render aid 2) to come to smb. s aid 3) to cut off, withdraw aid 4) generous, unstinting aid 5) audiovisual; teaching aids 6) first aid (first aid to the injured) 7) a hearing aid 8) economic; foreign;… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • render — render1 renderable, adj. renderer, n. /ren deuhr/, v.t. 1. to cause to be or become; make: to render someone helpless. 2. to do; perform: to render a service. 3. to furnish; provide: to render aid. 4. to exhibit or show ( …   Universalium

  • render — I ren•der [[t]ˈrɛn dər[/t]] v. t. 1) to cause to be or become; make 2) to do; perform 3) to furnish; provide: to render aid[/ex] 4) to exhibit or show (obedience, attention, etc.) 5) to present for approval, payment, etc 6) to pay as due (a tax,… …   From formal English to slang

  • render — /ˈrɛndə / (say renduh) verb (t) 1. to make or cause (a person or thing) to be or become as specified: to render someone helpless. 2. to do; perform: to render a service. 3. to furnish: to render aid. 4. to exhibit or show (obedience, attention,… …  

  • Render unto Caesar... — Render unto Caesar… is the beginning of a phrase attributed to Jesus in the synoptic gospels which reads in full, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” (“ Ἀπόδοτε οὖν τὰ Καίσαρος Καίσαρι καὶ τὰ …   Wikipedia

  • aid and comfort — To render assistance or counsel. Any act that deliberately strengthens or tends to strengthen enemies of the United States, or that weakens or tends to weaken the power of the United States to resist and attack such enemies is characterized as… …   Law dictionary

  • render — [ren′dər] vt. [ME rendren < OFr rendre < VL * rendere, for L reddere, to restore < re(d) , back + dare, to give: see DATE1] 1. to give, hand over, deliver, present, or submit, as for approval, consideration, payment, etc. [to render an… …   English World dictionary

  • render assistance — index enable, facilitate, help, relieve (give aid), subsidize Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • render help — index aid, contribute (assist), serve (assist) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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