render active
Смотреть что такое "render active" в других словарях:
render active — declare something to be in working order; bring something to be in working order (i.e. by fixing it) … English contemporary dictionary
Active camouflage — Illustrating the concept, i.e. active capture and re display, creates an illusory transparency , also known as computer mediated reality Active camouflage or adaptive camouflage, is a group of camouflage technologies which allow an object to… … Wikipedia
Active structure — An active structure (also known as a smart or adaptive structure) is a mechanical structure with the ability to alter its configuration, form or properties in response to changes in the environment.The term active structure also refers to… … Wikipedia
Active Server Pages .NET — ASP.NET Basisdaten Entwickler: Microsoft Aktuelle Version: 3.5 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Active Server Pages NET — ASP.NET Basisdaten Entwickler: Microsoft Aktuelle Version: 3.5 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Status lists of players in professional sports — Some team sports put players on different official lists according to circumstances for that player, for example if they are injured. There can be different rules for players on different lists, and the details vary between sports.NFL*Active list … Wikipedia
serve — [c]/sɜv / (say serv) verb (served, serving) –verb (i) 1. to act as a servant. 2. to wait at table; hand food to guests. 3. to render assistance; help. 4. to go through a term of service; do duty as a soldier, sailor, councillor, juror, etc. 5. to …
activate — 1. To render active. 2. To make radioactive. * * * ac·ti·vate (akґtĭ vāt) to render active … Medical dictionary
serve — servable, serveable, adj. /serrv/, v., served, serving, n. v.i. 1. to act as a servant. 2. to wait on table, as a waiter. 3. to offer or have a meal or refreshments available, as for patrons or guests: Come early, we re serving at six. 4. to… … Universalium
reactivate — 1. To render active again. 2. In particular, of an inactivated immune serum to which normal serum (complement) is added. * * * re·ac·ti·vate ( )rē ak tə .vāt vt, vat·ed; vat·ing to activate again: cause to be again active or more active: as a) to … Medical dictionary
Diosdado Macapagal — This article is about the former president of the Philippines. For his grandson and current a member of Congress, see Diosdado Macapagal–Arroyo. Diosdado Macapagal Diosdado Macapagal in 1962 … Wikipedia