
rɪˈmɔ:s сущ.
1) угрызение совести;
сожаление to display, show remorse ≈ раскаиваться to express, feel remorse ≈ раскаиваться bitter, deep, profound remorse ≈ горькое, глубокое раскаяние feeling of remorse ≈ чувство раскаяния twinge of remorse ≈ приступ раскаяния without remorse ≈ безжалостно, беспощадно, бессердечно Syn : pity, compassion угрызения совести;
раскаяние - a feeling /a twinge/ of * чувство раскаяния, угрызения совести - biting * мучительные угрызения совести - to feel /to be smitten with/ * испытывать угрызения совести (устаревшее) жалость, сострадание - without * безжалостно, беспощадно, бессердечно remorse сожаление, жалость;
without remorse безжалостно, беспощадно, бессердечно ~ угрызение совести;
раскаяние remorse сожаление, жалость;
without remorse безжалостно, беспощадно, бессердечно

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "remorse" в других словарях:

  • Remorse — Re*morse (r?*m?rs ), n. [OE. remors, OF. remors,F. remords, LL. remorsus, fr. L. remordere, remorsum, to bite again or back, to torment; pref. re re + mordere to bite. See {Morsel}.] 1. The anguish, like gnawing pain, excited by a sense of guilt; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • remorse — [ri môrs′] n. [ME remors < OFr < LL remorsus < L, pp. of remordere < re , again + mordere, to bite: see MORDANT] 1. a deep, torturing sense of guilt felt over a wrong that one has done; self reproach 2. pity; compassion: now only in… …   English World dictionary

  • remorse — noun anguish, chagrin, compunction, concern, conscience, conscientia mala, contriteness, contrition, disquiet, feelings of guilt, grief, pangs of conscience, penitence, regret, regretfulness, remorsefulness, repentance, rue, self accusation, self …   Law dictionary

  • remorse — late 14c., from O.Fr. remors (Fr. remords), from M.L. remorsum, from neut. pp. of L. remordere to vex, disturb, lit. to bite back, from re again + mordere to bite (see SMART (Cf. smart) (v.)). The sense evolution was via the M.L. phrase remorsus… …   Etymology dictionary

  • remorse — *penitence, repentance, contrition, attrition, compunction Analogous words: regret, *sorrow, grief: *qualm, scruple, compunction, demur …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • remorse — [n] guilty or bad conscience anguish, attrition, compassion, compunction, contriteness, contrition, grief, guilt, pangs of conscience*, penance, penitence, penitency, pity, regret, remorsefulness, repentance, rue, ruefulness, self reproach, shame …   New thesaurus

  • remorse — ► NOUN ▪ deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed. ORIGIN Latin remorsus, from mordere to bite …   English terms dictionary

  • Remorse — This article is about the emotion. For the episode of the TV series House, see Remorse (House). Remorse is an emotional expression of personal regret felt by a person after he or she has committed an act which they deem to be shameful, hurtful,… …   Wikipedia

  • remorse — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ deep, genuine, great, real … OF REMORSE ▪ pang, stab VERB + REMORSE ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • remorse — n. 1) to display, show remorse 2) to express; feel remorse 3) bitter, deep, profound remorse 4) a feeling; twinge of remorse 5) remorse for, over (he displayed no remorse for his crimes) * * * [rɪ mɔːs] deep feel remorse profound remorse show… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • remorse — re|morse [rıˈmo:s US o:rs] n [U] [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: remors, from Latin remordere to bite again ] a strong feeling of being sorry that you have done something very bad →↑regret ▪ Throughout the trial, he had shown no remorse …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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