regular metric
Смотреть что такое "regular metric" в других словарях:
Metric space — In mathematics, a metric space is a set where a notion of distance (called a metric) between elements of the set is defined. The metric space which most closely corresponds to our intuitive understanding of space is the 3 dimensional Euclidean… … Wikipedia
Metric system — This article is about the metric system in general. For information about specific versions of the system, such as the International System of Units or the cgs system of units, see #Variants. For a generally accessible and less technical… … Wikipedia
Regular measure — In mathematics, a regular measure on a topological space is a measure for which every measurable set is approximately open and approximately closed .DefinitionLet ( X , T ) be a topological space and let Σ be a sigma; algebra on X that contains… … Wikipedia
Metric signature — The signature of a metric tensor (or more generally a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form, thought of as quadratic form) is the number of positive and negative eigenvalues of the metric. That is, the corresponding real symmetric matrix is… … Wikipedia
metric structure — noun regular rhythmic components of a song, including its metre and tempo <ref name= DeLone >DeLone et. al. (Eds.) (1975). Aspects of Twentieth Century Music. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN 0130493465</ref> See Also … Wiktionary
Inner regular measure — In mathematics, an inner regular measure is one for which the measure of a set can be approximated from within by compact subsets.DefinitionLet ( X , T ) be a Hausdorff topological space and let Sigma; be a sigma; algebra on X that contains the… … Wikipedia
Generalised metric — In mathematics, the concept of a generalised metric is a generalisation of that of a metric, in which the distance is not a real number but taken from an arbitrary ordered field.In general, when we define metric space the distance function is… … Wikipedia
Approximate Strengths of Selected Regular Armed Forces of the World — ▪ 1999 Approximate Strengths of Selected Regular Armed Forces of the World Combat aircraft1 Warships Bombers Defense Aircraft and Recon expenditure Military personnel in 000s Submarines Carriers/ Destroyers/ fighter nais … Universalium
de Sitter–Schwarzschild metric — In general relativity, the de Sitter–Schwarzschild solution describes a black hole in a causal patch of de Sitter space. Unlike a flat space black hole, there is a largest possible de Sitter black hole, which is the Nariai spacetime. The Nariai… … Wikipedia
Gödel metric — The Gödel metric is an exact solution of the Einstein field equations in which the stress energy tensor contains two terms, the first representing the matter density of a homogeneous distribution of swirling dust particles, and the second… … Wikipedia
Approximate Strengths of Selected Regular Armed Forces of the Wolrd — ▪ Table Approximate Strengths of Selected Regular Armed Forces of the World Combat aircraft1 Warships Bombers Defense Military personnel in 000s Submarines Aircraft and Recon expenditure Carriers/ Destroyers/ fighter … Universalium