regular method
Смотреть что такое "regular method" в других словарях:
Method — Meth od, n. [F. m[ e]thode, L. methodus, fr. Gr. meqodos method, investigation following after; meta after + odo s way.] 1. An orderly procedure or process; regular manner of doing anything; hence, manner; way; mode; as, a method of teaching… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
method acting — Method Meth od, n. [F. m[ e]thode, L. methodus, fr. Gr. meqodos method, investigation following after; meta after + odo s way.] 1. An orderly procedure or process; regular manner of doing anything; hence, manner; way; mode; as, a method of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Method ringing — (also known as scientific ringing) is a form of change ringing (the practice of ringing a series of mathematical permutations on tuned bells, rather than a melody). In method ringing, the ringers are guided from permutation to permutation by… … Wikipedia
method — [meth′əd] n. [Fr méthode < L methodus < Gr methodos, a going after, pursuit, system < meta, after (see META ) + hodos, a way (see ODE1)] 1. a way of doing anything; mode; procedure; process; esp., a regular, orderly, definite procedure… … English World dictionary
method — I noun arrangement, blueprint, classification, consistency, course, course of action, custom, discipline, established order, fixed order, formula, habit, layout, logical order, manner, master plan, means, mode, modus, operation, order,… … Law dictionary
method — (n.) early 15c., regular, systematic treatment of disease, from L. methodus way of teaching or going, from Gk. methodos scientific inquiry, method of inquiry, investigation, originally pursuit, a following after, from meta after (see META (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
regular arrangement — index method Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Method of analytic tableaux — A graphical representation of a partially built propositional tableau In proof theory, the semantic tableau (or truth tree) is a decision procedure for sentential and related logics, and a proof procedure for formulas of first order logic. The… … Wikipedia
Method (computer programming) — In object oriented programming, a method is a subroutine (or procedure or function) associated with a class. Methods define the behavior to be exhibited by instances of the associated class at program run time. Methods have the special property… … Wikipedia
regular — Conformable to law. Steady or uniform in course, practice, or occurrence; not subject to unexplained or irrational variation. Usual, customary, normal or general. Gerald v. American Cas. Co. of Reading, Pa., D.C.N.C., 249 F.Supp. 355, 357. Made… … Black's law dictionary
Regular singular point — In mathematics, in the theory of ordinary differential equations in the complex plane , the points of are classified into ordinary points, at which the equation s coefficients are analytic functions, and singular points, at which some coefficient … Wikipedia