
rɪˈsi:vəʃɪp сущ.;
1) администрация доходов
2) статус лица, назначенного управлять имуществом банкрота или спорным имуществом active receivership ≈ активное управление конкурсной массой (с обязанностью управляющего осуществлять в связи с ней предпринимательскую деятельность) in receivership ≈ имеющий статус лица, управляющего имуществом несостоятельного должника to put a firm into receivership ≈ придать фирме статус управляющего имуществом должника (юридическое) статус лица, управляющего имуществом несостоятельного должника или имуществом, являющимся предметом судебного спора place under ~ вводить управление имуществом по доверенности place under ~ вводить управление конкурсной массой receivership администрация доходов ~ юр. статус лица, управляющего имуществом несостоятельного должника или спорным имуществом ~ статус лица, назначенного управлять имуществом банкрота или имуществом, являющимся предметом судебного спора ~ управление имуществом по доверенности ~ управление конкурсной массой

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "receivership" в других словарях:

  • receivership — re·ceiv·er·ship /ri sē vər ˌship/ n 1: the office or function of a receiver 2: a proceeding in which a receiver is appointed 3: the state of being in the hands of a receiver compare bankruptcy Merria …   Law dictionary

  • Receivership — is used to denote a situation in which an institution or enterprise is being held by a receiver.United StatesSeveral regulatory entities have been granted power by the Congress to place banking and financial institutions into receivership. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Receivership — Re*ceiv er*ship, n. The state or office of a receiver. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • receivership — (n.) late 15c., from RECEIVER (Cf. receiver) + SHIP (Cf. ship) …   Etymology dictionary

  • receivership — ► NOUN ▪ the state of being managed by an official receiver …   English terms dictionary

  • receivership — [ri sē′vərship΄] n. 1. Law the duties or office of a receiver 2. the state of being administered or held by a receiver …   English World dictionary

  • receivership — the legal condition a company is placed in when an official receiver is appointed to investigate and manage its affairs. Glossary of Business Terms * * * receivership re‧ceiv‧er‧ship [rɪˈsiːvəʆɪp ǁ vər ] noun [uncountable] LAW FINANCE when a… …   Financial and business terms

  • receivership — n. 1) to put a firm into receivership 2) in receivership * * * [rɪ siːvəʃɪp] in receivership to put a firm into receivership …   Combinatory dictionary

  • receivership — /ri see veuhr ship /, n. Law. 1. the condition of being in the hands of a receiver. 2. the position or function of being a receiver in charge of administering the property of others. [1475 85; RECEIVER + SHIP] * * * In law, state of being in the… …   Universalium

  • receivership — re|ceiv|er|ship [rıˈsi:vəʃıp US vər ] n [U] if a business is in receivership, it is controlled by an official receiver because it has no money ▪ The company went into receivership with massive debts …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • receivership — [[t]rɪsi͟ːvə(r)ʃɪp[/t]] receiverships N VAR: oft in/into N If a company goes into receivership, it faces financial failure and the administration of its business is handled by the receiver. The company has now gone into receivership with debts of …   English dictionary

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