real loss
Смотреть что такое "real loss" в других словарях:
real loss — (Economics) negative value received after deducting the influence of inflation on money from income or yields obtained from an asset … English contemporary dictionary
Loss mitigation — [ [Loss Mitigation Policy Guidance] ] is used to describe a third party helping a homeowner, a division within a bank that mitigates the loss of the bank, or a firm that handles the process of… … Wikipedia
loss — The opposite of gain. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * loss loss [lɒs ǁ lɒːs] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] the fact of no longer having something that you used to have, or having less of it: • loss of earnings through illness ˈjob loss… … Financial and business terms
Real interest rate — The real interest rate is approximately the nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate (see Fisher equation and below for exact equation). Since the inflation rate over the course of a loan is not known initially, volatility in inflation… … Wikipedia
Loss of chance in English law — refers to a particular problem of causation, which arises in tort and contract. The law is invited to assess hypothetical outcomes, either affecting the claimant or a third party, where the defendant s breach of contract or of the duty of care… … Wikipedia
Loss of significance — is an undesirable effect in calculations using floating point arithmetic. It occurs when an operation on two numbers increases relative error substantially more than it increases absolute error, for example in subtracting two large and nearly… … Wikipedia
Real estate appraisal — Real estate appraisal, property valuation or land valuation is the practice of developing an opinion of the value of real property, usually its Market Value. The need for appraisals arises from the heterogeneous nature of property as an… … Wikipedia
Loss of use — is the inability, due to a tort or other injury to use a body part, animal, equipment, premises, or other property. defines it as the inability to use an automobile, premises or some equipment due to damage to the vehicle, premises or… … Wikipedia
real — real, actual, true, and their derivative nouns reality, actuality, truth are often interchangeable in general, as distinct from technical philosophical or critical, language without marked loss when they mean correspondent to or what is… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
loss — n 1: physical, emotional, or esp. economic harm or damage sustained: as a: decrease in value, capital, or amount compare gain b: an amount by which the cost of something (as goods or services) exceeds the selling price compare … Law dictionary
Real Madrid C.F. — Real Madrid redirects here. For the basketball team, see Real Madrid Baloncesto. For other uses, see Real Madrid (disambiguation). Real Madrid Full name Real Madrid Club de Fútbol … Wikipedia