real load
Смотреть что такое "real load" в других словарях:
real load — aktyvioji apkrova statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. active load; real load vok. Widerstandsbelastung, f; Wirkbelastung, f; Wirklast, f rus. активная нагрузка, f pranc. charge active, f; charge ohmique, f; charge résistive, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Load bank — A load bank is a device which develops an electrical load, applies the load to an electrical power source and converts or dissipates the resultant power output of the source. The purpose of a load bank is to accurately mimic the operational or… … Wikipedia
Load testing — is the process of creating demand on a system or device and measuring its response.In mechanical systems it refers to the testing of a system to certify it under the appropriate regulations (LOLER in the UK Lifting Operations and Lifting… … Wikipedia
Load management — is the process of balancing the supply of electricity on the network with the electrical load.Electrical energy is a form of Energy that cannot be stored. It can however be traded as a commodity. It must be generated, shipped to the point where… … Wikipedia
Real-time video editing — is a system of editing video where it takes no longer to render a video than the length of that video clip itself. For example, after a 30 minute length of video is edited it needs to be rendered, and should the system take more than 30 minutes… … Wikipedia
Real estate transaction — A Real estate transaction is the process whereby a property (or designated real estate) is transferred between two or more parties, one being the seller(s) and the other being the buyer(s). It can often be quite complicated due to the size and… … Wikipedia
Load-Link/Store-Conditional — In computer science, load link (LL, also known as load linked or load and reserve ) and store conditional (SC) are a pair of instructions that together implement a lock free atomic read modify write operation.Load link returns the current value… … Wikipedia
Real-time computing — In computer science, real time computing (RTC) is the study of hardware and software systems that are subject to a real time constraint i.e., operational deadlines from event to system response. By contrast, a non real time system is one for… … Wikipedia
Load Task Register — The LTR x86 instruction stands for Load Task Register and is used in operating systems that support multitasking. LTR is supported only in protected mode and long mode, not in real mode or virtual 8086 mode. It must be executed when the CPL is 0 … Wikipedia
(a) load off your mind — a load off (your) mind a big problem you do not have to worry about any more. Finally getting a job was a huge load off my mind. Usage notes: sometimes used with real: I m so relieved I don t have to give a speech it s a real load off my mind … New idioms dictionary
(a) load off mind — a load off (your) mind a big problem you do not have to worry about any more. Finally getting a job was a huge load off my mind. Usage notes: sometimes used with real: I m so relieved I don t have to give a speech it s a real load off my mind … New idioms dictionary