Смотреть что такое "re-arm" в других словарях:
Arm wrestling — is a sport with two participants. Each participant places one arm, both put either the right or left, on a surface, with their elbows bent and touching the surface, and they grip each other s hand. The goal is to pin the other s arm onto the… … Wikipedia
Arm Slave — Arm Slaves are fictional mecha from the light novel, manga, and anime series Full Metal Panic! OverviewThe term Arm Slave is the shortened form of Armored Mobile Master Slave System . They are largely humanoid powered suits operating in a semi… … Wikipedia
ARM Cortex-A15 MPCore — Produced in production late 2011,[1] to market late 2012[2] Designed by ARM Max. CPU clock rate 1000 MHz to 2500 MHz … Wikipedia
ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore — Designed by ARM Common manufacturer(s) TSMC Max. CPU clock rate 800 MHz to 2000 MHz Instruction set ARMv7 Cores … Wikipedia
arm in arm — Arm Arm, n. [AS. arm, earm; akin to OHG. aram, G., D., Dan., & Sw. arm, Icel. armr, Goth. arms, L. armus arm, shoulder, and prob. to Gr. ? joining, joint, shoulder, fr. the root ? to join, to fit together; cf. Slav. rame. ?. See {Art},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arm — Arm, n. [AS. arm, earm; akin to OHG. aram, G., D., Dan., & Sw. arm, Icel. armr, Goth. arms, L. armus arm, shoulder, and prob. to Gr. ? joining, joint, shoulder, fr. the root ? to join, to fit together; cf. Slav. rame. ?. See {Art}, {Article}.] 1 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arm's end — Arm Arm, n. [AS. arm, earm; akin to OHG. aram, G., D., Dan., & Sw. arm, Icel. armr, Goth. arms, L. armus arm, shoulder, and prob. to Gr. ? joining, joint, shoulder, fr. the root ? to join, to fit together; cf. Slav. rame. ?. See {Art},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arm's length — Arm Arm, n. [AS. arm, earm; akin to OHG. aram, G., D., Dan., & Sw. arm, Icel. armr, Goth. arms, L. armus arm, shoulder, and prob. to Gr. ? joining, joint, shoulder, fr. the root ? to join, to fit together; cf. Slav. rame. ?. See {Art},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arm's reach — Arm Arm, n. [AS. arm, earm; akin to OHG. aram, G., D., Dan., & Sw. arm, Icel. armr, Goth. arms, L. armus arm, shoulder, and prob. to Gr. ? joining, joint, shoulder, fr. the root ? to join, to fit together; cf. Slav. rame. ?. See {Art},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Arm — Arm, ärmer, ärmste, adj. et adv. welches überhaupt den Zustand der Beraubung einer Sache ausdruckt, und zwar, 1. In eigentlicher Bedeutung, des zeitlichen Vermögens beraubt. Ein armer Mensch, ein armer Mann, eine arme Frau. Arm seyn. Arm werden.… … Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart
arm in arm — {adv. phr.} With your arm under or around another person s arm, especially in close comradeship or friendship. * /Sally and Joan were laughing and joking together as they walked arm in arm down the street./ * /When they arrived at the party, the… … Dictionary of American idioms