
re-allotment перераспределение (акций, сумм)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "re-allotment" в других словарях:

  • Allotment (gardening) — Allotment gardens are characterised by a concentration in one place of a few or up to several hundreds of land parcels that are assigned to individual families. In allotment gardens, the parcels are cultivated individually, contrary to other… …   Wikipedia

  • Allotment — may refer to: * Allotment (gardening), in the United Kingdom, a small area of land, let out at a nominal yearly rent by local government or independent allotment associations, for individuals to grow their own food. * Allotment (financial), a… …   Wikipedia

  • allotment — I noun adsignatio, allocation, annuity, appointment, apportionment, appropriation, arrangement, assignment, assignment by share, designation, dispensation, disposal, disposition, distribution, distribution by lot, dole, ordering, partition,… …   Law dictionary

  • Allotment — Al*lot ment, n. [Cf. OF. alotement, F. allotement.] 1. The act of allotting; assignment. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is allotted; a share, part, or portion granted or distributed; that which is assigned by lot, or by the act of God; anything set …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • allotment of shares — the process by which members take shares from a company is the issue of shares; this ends with allotment, when individual shares are assigned to particular holders. A previously unissued share is allotted when a person acquires an unconditional… …   Law dictionary

  • allotment by chance — index lottery Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Allotment — 1) выделение 2) распределение 3) разверстка 4) часть, доля Словарь бизнес терминов. Академик.ру. 2001 …   Словарь бизнес-терминов

  • allotment — (n.) 1570s, action of allotting, from M.Fr. allotement, from O.Fr. aloter (see ALLOT (Cf. allot)). Or else a native formation from allot + ment. Meaning portion assigned to someone or some purpose is from 1670s …   Etymology dictionary

  • allotment — [n] portion assigned or given allocation, allowance, apportionment, appropriation, bite, chunk, cut, cut of pie*, end, grant, lot, measure, part, piece, piece of the action*, quota,rake off*, ration, share, slice, split, stint*; concept 835 …   New thesaurus

  • allotment — ► NOUN 1) Brit. a plot of land rented by an individual from a local authority, for growing vegetables or flowers. 2) the action of allotting. 3) an amount of something allotted …   English terms dictionary

  • allotment — [ə lät′mənt] n. 1. an allotting or being allotted 2. a thing allotted; portion; share 3. Brit. a small plot of public land rented to an individual for growing vegetables or flowers 4. Mil. a portion of one s pay regularly deducted, as for one s… …   English World dictionary

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