- ram air
- заторможенный поток воздуха;
скоростной напор воздуха;
набегающий поток воздуха, набегающий воздух
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Ram air — refers to the principle of using the airflow created by a moving object for power. The term may also refer to any of the following: *Parafoils, also called ram air parachutes, non rigid airfoils inflated by wind *Pontiac Ram Air Engines a line of … Wikipedia
Ram-Air — Als Ram Air (wörtlich: Stauluft) werden Motor Ansaugsysteme an Kraftfahrzeugen bezeichnet, deren Ansaugöffnungen so angeordnet sind, dass durch den Staudruck des Fahrtwindes eine Motoraufladung und damit eine Leistungssteigerung erzielt wird. Bei … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ram Air — Als Ram Air (wörtlich: Stauluft) werden Motor Ansaugsysteme an Kraftfahrzeugen bezeichnet, deren Ansaugöffnungen so angeordnet sind, dass durch den Staudruck des Fahrtwindes eine Motoraufladung und damit eine Leistungssteigerung erzielt wird. Bei … Deutsch Wikipedia
ram air — [1] In a ram air system, carburetors get fresh air to be mixed with the gasoline via forward facing ducts. The idea is that as the vehicle moves faster, more air is forced or rammed into the carburetors resulting in improved performance. [2] A… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Ram Air Turbine — an einer F 105 Thunderchief Ram Air Turbin … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ram air turbine — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ram air turbine de un F 105 Thunderchief. La Ram air turbine es una pequeña hélice que se activa cada vez que el avión se queda sin la electricidad de los generadores de corriente ubicados en las turbinas; esto se… … Wikipedia Español
ram-air turbine — noun A small turbine driven by air used as an emergency power source for aircraft, etc, or to provide power in guided weapons • • • Main Entry: ↑ram … Useful english dictionary
Ram-air intake — A ram air intake is any intake design which uses the dynamic air pressure created by vehicle motion to increase the static air pressure inside of the intake manifold on an engine, thus allowing a greater massflow through the engine and hence… … Wikipedia
Ram air turbine — Éolienne de secours Éolienne de secours d un Boeing 757 … Wikipédia en Français
Ram air turbine — A ram air turbine (RAT) is a small turbine and connected hydraulic pump, or electrical generator used as power source for aircraft. In some early aircraft, these were permanently mounted and were the aircraft s principal electrical power source.… … Wikipedia
Ram Air Progression System — RAPS or Ram Air Progression System is a parachuting training system designed to take a student from beginner to the FAI A License (or Category 8) using square ram air canopies.ystemThe RAPS system was developed from the Static Line Rounds system … Wikipedia