- ram adapter
- переходник цилиндра пресса (для распрессовки траковой цепи)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
RAm TEE I — SBB CFF RAm TEE I NS DE IV RAm TEE I et DE IV en attente de réaffectation à Utrecht entre 1975. Type de locomotive Rame automotrice Diesel électrique Constructe … Wikipédia en Français
Color Graphics Adapter — «CGA» redirige aquí. Para otras acepciones, véase CGA (desambiguación). La Color Graphics Adapter (Adaptador de Gráficos de Color) o CGA, comercializada en 1981, fue la primera tarjeta gráfica en color de IBM (originalmente llamada Color/Graphics … Wikipedia Español
Color Graphics Adapter — The 640×200 2 color mode with its default foreground color Arachne Internet suite. The Color Graphics Adapter (CGA), originally also called the Color/Graphics Adapter or IBM Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter,[1] introduced in 1981, was IBM s first… … Wikipedia
Enhanced Graphics Adapter — EGA kompatible Grafikkarte von 1985 mit Druckerport für den 8 Bit ISA Slot. Der Enhanced Graphics Adapter, kurz EGA, ist ein von IBM im Jahr 1984 für den IBM PC AT geschaffener Grafikkarten Standard. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Amiga Chip RAM — Chip RAM is a commonly used term for the integrated RAM used in Commodore s line of Amiga computers. Chip RAM is shared between the central processing unit (CPU) and the Amiga s dedicated chipset (hence the name).[1] It was also, rather… … Wikipedia
Television Interface Adapter — The Television Interface Adapter (TIA) is the custom chip that is the heart of the Atari 2600 game console and was created by Jay Miner of Amiga fame.The TIA is responsible for generating the picture on the television set as well as providing… … Wikipedia
Color Graphics Adapter — CGA (Color Graphics Adapter) ist ein von IBM 1981 geschaffener Grafikkarten Standard. Bis zur Einführung von EGA war er Standard für Anwendungen im grafischen Bereich. Das Video RAM beträgt 16.384 Byte. Die grundlegende Bildschirmauflösung der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Enhanced Graphics Adapter — The Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA) is the IBM PC computer display standard specification located between CGA and VGA in terms of graphics performance (that is, color and space resolution). Introduced in 1984 by IBM for its new PC AT, EGA… … Wikipedia
Famicom Disk System — The nihongo|Family Computer Disk System|ファミリーコンピュータ ディスクシステム|Famirī Konpyūta Disuku Shisutemu|FDS was released on February 21, 1986 by Nintendo as a peripheral for the Family Computer ( Famicom ) console in Japan. It was a unit that used… … Wikipedia
Family Computer Disk System — Family Computer Disk System … Wikipedia
Famicom Disk System — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Famicom Disk System bajo la Famicom El Family Computer Disk System (ファミリーコンピュータ ディスクシステム, Famirī Kompyūta Disku … Wikipedia Español