queue register

queue register
регистр очереди

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "queue register" в других словарях:

  • Register renaming — In computer engineering, register renaming refers to a technique usedto avoid unnecessary serialization of program operations imposed by the reuseof registers by those operations.Problem definitionPrograms are composed of instructions which… …   Wikipedia

  • Shift register — In digital circuits a shift register is a group of flip flops set up in a linear fashion which have their inputs and outputs connected together in such a way that the data is shifted down the line when the circuit is activated. Shift registers… …   Wikipedia

  • Prefetch input queue — Most modern processors load their instructions some clock cycles before they execute them. This is achieved by pre loading machine code from memory into a prefetch input queue (PIQ).This behavior only applies to von Neumann computers (that is,… …   Wikipedia

  • Adoption Disclosure Register (Ontario) — The Adoption Disclosure Register (ADR) is an adoption reunion registry operated by the government of Ontario, Canada. It implements the adoption disclosure provisions of the Child and Family Services Act . Background Under Ontario law prior to… …   Wikipedia

  • Labre nettoyeur à queue rouge — Labroides phthirophagus Labre nettoyeur à queue rouge …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pastenague à queue épineuse — Dasyatis centroura Dasyatis centroura …   Wikipédia en Français

  • TRIPS-Prozessor — Gehäuse des TRIPS Prozessors Der TRIPS Prozessor (Tera op, Reliable, Intelligently adaptive Processing System) ist ein Forschungsprozessor der University of Texas at Austin. Die Prozessorarchitektur ist so ausgelegt, dass sich weitere Kerne… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Classic RISC pipeline — In the history of computer hardware, some early reduced instruction set computer central processing units (RISC CPUs) used a very similar architectural solution, now called a classic RISC pipeline. Those CPUs were: MIPS, SPARC, Motorola 88000,… …   Wikipedia

  • Out-of-order execution — In computer engineering, out of order execution (OoOE or OOE) is a paradigm used in most high performance microprocessors to make use of instruction cycles that would otherwise be wasted by a certain type of costly delay. In this paradigm, a… …   Wikipedia

  • FIFO — is an acronym for First In, First Out, an abstraction in ways of organizing and manipulation of data relative to time and prioritization. This expression describes the principle of a queue processing technique or servicing conflicting demands by… …   Wikipedia

  • Memory disambiguation — is a set of techniques employed by high performance out of order execution microprocessors that execute memory access instructions (loads and stores) out of program order. The mechanisms for performing memory disambiguation, implemented using… …   Wikipedia

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