queue processor
Смотреть что такое "queue processor" в других словарях:
Processor affinity — is a modification of the native central queue scheduling algorithm.Each task (be it process or thread) in the queue has a tag indicating its preferred / kin processor.At allocation time, each task is allocated to its kin processor in preference… … Wikipedia
Double-ended queue — Not to be confused with Double ended priority queue. In computer science, a double ended queue (dequeue, often abbreviated to deque, pronounced deck) is an abstract data structure that implements a queue for which elements can only be added to or … Wikipedia
Multilevel feedback queue — In computer science, a multilevel feedback queue is a scheduling algorithm. It is intended to meet the following design requirements for multimode systems: Give preference to short jobs. Give preference to I/O bound processes. Separate processes… … Wikipedia
Prefetch input queue — Most modern processors load their instructions some clock cycles before they execute them. This is achieved by pre loading machine code from memory into a prefetch input queue (PIQ).This behavior only applies to von Neumann computers (that is,… … Wikipedia
Heterogeneous Element Processor — The Heterogeneous Element Processor (HEP) was introduced by Denelcor in 1982 as the world s first commercial MIMD computer. A HEP system, as the name implies, was pieced together from many heterogeneous components processors, data memory modules … Wikipedia
Network processor — A network processor is an integrated circuit which has a feature set specifically targeted at the networking application domain. Network processors are typically software programmable devices and would have generic characteristics similar to… … Wikipedia
Inter-processor interrupt — An inter processor interrupt (IPI) is a special type of interrupt by which one processor may interrupt another processor in a multiprocessor system. IPIs are typically used to implement a cache coherency synchronization point.In a Windows based… … Wikipedia
Windows NT Processor scheduling — Without processor scheduling the Microprocessor would give attention to jobs based on when they arrived in the queue. This is not always optimal. Some applications should be given more time with the processor because that program is more critical … Wikipedia
Generalized Processor Sharing — (GPS)cite journal|first=A. K.|last=Parekh|coauthors=Gallager, R. G.|title=A Generalized Processor Sharing approach to Flow control in Integrated Services Networks: The Single Node Case|journal=Proceedings of IEEE Infocom|year=1992] was developed… … Wikipedia
Memory disambiguation — is a set of techniques employed by high performance out of order execution microprocessors that execute memory access instructions (loads and stores) out of program order. The mechanisms for performing memory disambiguation, implemented using… … Wikipedia
Out-of-order execution — In computer engineering, out of order execution (OoOE or OOE) is a paradigm used in most high performance microprocessors to make use of instruction cycles that would otherwise be wasted by a certain type of costly delay. In this paradigm, a… … Wikipedia