
ˈkwɔ:təˌmɑ:stə сущ.
1) воен. квартирмейстер;
начальник (хозяйственного) снабжения;
интендант quartermaster captain ≈ капитан-квартирмейстер
2) мор. старшина-рулевой;
рулевой механизм, рулевое устройство (военное) квартирмейстер;
начальник (хозяйственного) снабжения;
интендант - *'s department военно-хозяйственное управление - * company квартирмейстерская рота - * corps (американизм) личный состав интендантской службы - * demand заявка на материально-техническое довольствие (морское) старшина-рулевой quartermaster воен. квартирмейстер;
начальник (хозяйственного) снабжения;
интендант ~ мор. старшина-рулевой

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "quartermaster" в других словарях:

  • Quartermaster — refers to two different military occupations. In land armies, it is a term referring to a military individual, or unit, who specializes in supplying and provisioning troops. In naval usage, it means a navigator on a ship. The equivalent naval… …   Wikipedia

  • Quartermaster — Quar ter*mas ter, n. [Quarter + master: cf. F. quartier ma[^i]tre.] 1. (Mil.) An officer whose duty is to provide quarters, provisions, storage, clothing, fuel, stationery, and transportation for a regiment or other body of troops, and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Quartermaster — Quartermaster, auf Handelsdampfern im Steuern besonders geübte Vollmatrosen …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • quartermaster — (n.) early 15c., subordinate officer of a ship, from Fr. quartier maître or Du. kwartier meester; originally a ship s officer whose duties included stowing of the hold; later (c.1600) an officer in charge of quarters and rations for troops. See… …   Etymology dictionary

  • quartermaster — ► NOUN 1) a regimental officer in charge of quartering and supplies. 2) a naval petty officer responsible for steering and signals …   English terms dictionary

  • quartermaster — [kwôrt′ər mas΄tər] n. 1. Mil. an officer whose duty it is to provide troops with quarters, clothing, equipment, etc. 2. Naut. a petty officer or mate trained to steer a ship, perform navigational duties, etc …   English World dictionary

  • quartermaster — quartermasterlike, adj. quartermastership, n. /kwawr teuhr mas teuhr, mah steuhr/, n. 1. Mil. an officer charged with providing quarters, clothing, fuel, transportation, etc., for a body of troops. 2. Navy. a petty officer having charge of… …   Universalium

  • Quartermaster —    The title of a petty officer in the navy who attends to the helm, signals, and the like, or an army officer whose task is to supply clothing, subsistence, and accommodation for the troops.    ‘Quartermaster,’ says an American officer in The… …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • quartermaster — n. 1 a regimental officer in charge of quartering, rations, etc. 2 a naval petty officer in charge of steering, signals, etc. Phrases and idioms: Quartermaster General the head of the army department in charge of quartering etc. quartermaster… …   Useful english dictionary

  • quartermaster — UK [ˈkwɔː(r)tə(r)ˌmɑːstə(r)] / US [ˈkwɔrtərˌmæstər] noun [countable] Word forms quartermaster : singular quartermaster plural quartermasters an army officer whose job is to look after supplies of food, clothes etc …   English dictionary

  • Quartermaster Harbor — is a small harbor located in southern Puget Sound, in Vashon Island, Washington State. Geographic descriptionQuartermaster Harbor is formed by Vashon Island on the west and Maury Island on the east. It opens about convert|0.8|mi|km|sing=on east… …   Wikipedia

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