put about

put about

1) распространять (слух и т. п.) It has been put about that several workers are to be dismissed. ≈ Говорят, нескольких рабочих хотят уволить.
2) обыкн. прич. прош. вр.;
шотланд. волновать, беспокоить Jim was greatly put about by the message. ≈ Джима очень обеспокоило известие.
3) мор. сделать поворот;
лечь на другой галс Syn : bring about
3) , bring around
2) , bring round
5) , come about
2) распространять, делать широко известным - to * a rumour распространить /пустить/ слух пускать в обращение менять направление;
поворачивать поворачиваться (морское) делать поворот;
лечь на другой галс (шотландское) беспокоить, волновать;
сердить - he was much * by the report of his friend's death известие о смерти друга вывело его из колеи

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "put about" в других словарях:

  • put about — ► put about 1) spread (information or rumours). 2) (of a ship) turn on the opposite tack. Main Entry: ↑put …   English terms dictionary

  • put about — index circulate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • put about — phrasal verb Word forms put about : present tense I/you/we/they put about he/she/it puts about present participle putting about past tense put about past participle put about 1) put about or put around/round [transitive] British informal to tell… …   English dictionary

  • put about — the ship put about: TURN ROUND, come about, change course. → put * * * Nautical (of a ship) turn on the opposite tack * * * put about [phrasal verb] 1 put (something) about or put about (something …   Useful english dictionary

  • put about — the ship put about Syn: turn around, tack, come about, change course …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • put about — {v. phr.} Nautical usage. To turn in the opposite direction; turn around. * /When we saw the storm clouds thickening in the sky, we put about quickly and raced ashore./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • put about — {v. phr.} Nautical usage. To turn in the opposite direction; turn around. * /When we saw the storm clouds thickening in the sky, we put about quickly and raced ashore./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • put\ about — v. phr. Nautical usage. To turn in the opposite direction; turn around. When we saw the storm clouds thickening in the sky, we put about quickly and raced ashore …   Словарь американских идиом

  • put about Nautical — (of a ship) turn on the opposite tack. → put …   English new terms dictionary

  • put about — Synonyms and related words: about ship, back and fill, bear away, bear off, bear to starboard, beat, beat about, box off, break, bring about, bring round, cant, cant round, cast, cast about, change course, change the heading, come about,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • put about — PHRASAL VERB (The forms put around and put round are also used in British English.) If you put something about, you tell it to people that you meet and cause it to become well known. [mainly BRIT] [V it P that] Moderate Republicans in America are …   English dictionary

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