punctured disk

punctured disk
геом. проколотый диск, диск с выкинутой точкой

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "punctured disk" в других словарях:

  • Poincaré metric — In mathematics, the Poincaré metric, named after Henri Poincaré, is the metric tensor describing a two dimensional surface of constant negative curvature. It is the natural metric commonly used in a variety of calculations in hyperbolic geometry… …   Wikipedia

  • Residue (complex analysis) — In mathematics, more specifically complex analysis, the residue is a complex number proportional to the contour integral of a meromorphic function along a path enclosing one of its singularities. (More generally, residues can be calculated for… …   Wikipedia

  • Braid group — In mathematics, the braid group on n strands, denoted by B n , is a certain group which has an intuitive geometrical representation, and in a sense generalizes the symmetric group S n . Here, n is a natural number; if n gt; 1, then B n is an… …   Wikipedia

  • Monodromy — In mathematics, monodromy is the study of how objects from mathematical analysis, algebraic topology and algebraic and differential geometry behave as they run round a singularity. As the name implies, the fundamental meaning of monodromy comes… …   Wikipedia

  • Grothendieck's Galois theory — In mathematics, Grothendieck s Galois theory is a highly abstract approach to the Galois theory of fields, developed around 1960 to provide a way to study the fundamental group of algebraic topology in the setting of algebraic geometry. It… …   Wikipedia

  • Annulus (mathematics) — In mathematics, an annulus (the Latin word for little ring , with plural annuli ) is a ring shaped geometric figure, or more generally, a term used to name a ring shaped object. The adjectival form is annular (for example, an annular eclipse).The …   Wikipedia

  • Laurent series — A Laurent series is defined with respect to a particular point c and a path of integration γ. The path of integration must lie in an annulus (shown here in red) inside of which f(z) is holomorphic (analytic). In mathematics, the Laurent series of …   Wikipedia

  • Exponential sheaf sequence — In mathematics, the exponential sheaf sequence is a fundamental short exact sequence of sheaves used in complex geometry.Let M be a complex manifold, and write O M for the sheaf of holomorphic functions on M . Let O M * be the subsheaf consisting …   Wikipedia

  • Riemann surface — For the Riemann surface of a subring of a field, see Zariski–Riemann space. Riemann surface for the function ƒ(z) = √z. The two horizontal axes represent the real and imaginary parts of z, while the vertical axis represents the real… …   Wikipedia

  • United Airlines Flight 232 — N1819U on its final descent, with visible damage on the horizontal stabilizer and fuselage tail cone Accident summary Date …   Wikipedia

  • Neighbourhood (mathematics) — For the concept in graph theory, see Neighbourhood (graph theory). A set V in the plane is a neighbourhood of a point p if a small disk around p is contained in V …   Wikipedia

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