Смотреть что такое "pudsy" в других словарях:
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List of nicknames used in cricket — Cricket has a rich tradition of using nicknames. This is a List of nicknames used in international cricket.Teams*Australia s 1948 tour of England mdash; The Invincibles [ [http://www.abc.net.au/centralwest/stories/s296247.htm The Invincibles] ]… … Wikipedia
Durham (Dunelmum) — Durham (Dunelmum) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Durham (Dunelmum) Ancient Catholic Diocese of Durham (Dunelmensis). This diocese holds a unique position among English bishoprics. Owing to its geographical position on the Scottish… … Catholic encyclopedia
Northern Lightz — was a Scottish adult humour underground comic that ran from 1999 to 2005. Primarily based around drug humour, the title featured underground cartoonists Dave Alexander, Pudsy, Jim Stewart, Jamie Grant John Miller and many others, and could be… … Wikipedia
pudgy — (adj.) 1836, from colloquial pudge (1808) anything short and thick + Y (Cf. y) (2). Perhaps related to pudsy plump (1754), possibly a dim. of nursery word pud hand, forepaw. A connection with PUDDING (Cf. pudding) also has been conjectured … Etymology dictionary