Profuse — Pro*fuse , a. [L. profusus, p. p. of profundere to pour forth or out; pro forward, forth + fundere to pour: cf. F. profus. See {Fuse} to melt.] 1. Pouring forth with fullness or exuberance; bountiful; exceedingly liberal; giving without stint; as … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
profuse — profuse; lavish, prodigal, luxuriant, lush, exuberant carry as their basic meaning giving out or given out in great abundance. What is profuse seems to pour or be poured forth in abundance, without restraint, or in a stream {profuse apologies}… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
profuse — [prō fyo͞os′, prəfyo͞os′] adj. [ME < L profusus, pp. of profundere, to pour out < pro , forth + fundere, to pour: see PRO 2 & FOUND3] 1. giving or pouring forth freely; generous, often to excess: usually with in [profuse in her apologies] 2 … English World dictionary
Profuse — Pro*fuse , v. t. To pour out; to give or spend liberally; to lavish; to squander. [Obs.] Chapman. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
profuse — I adjective abounding, abundant, affluent, ample, boundless, bounteous, bountiful, copious, countless, crowded, diffuse, discursive, effusus, endless, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, exuberant, flush, full, garrulous, generous, illimitable,… … Law dictionary
profuse — early 15c., from L. profusus spread out, lavish, extravagant, lit. poured forth, prop. pp. of profundere pour forth, from pro forth + fundere to pour (see FOUND (Cf. found) (2)). Related: Profusive; profusively … Etymology dictionary
profuse — [adj] abundant, excessive abounding, alive with*, ample, aplenty, bounteous, bountiful, copious, crawling with*, dime a dozen*, extravagant, extreme, exuberant, fulsome, galore, generous, immoderate, lavish, liberal, lush, luxuriant, no end*,… … New thesaurus
profuse — ► ADJECTIVE 1) plentiful; abundant. 2) archaic extravagant. DERIVATIVES profusely adverb profuseness noun profusion noun. ORIGIN Latin profusus lavish, spread out … English terms dictionary
profuse — adjective 1) profuse apologies Syn: copious, prolific, abundant, liberal, unstinting, fulsome, effusive, extravagant, lavish, gushing; informal over the top, gushy 2) profuse blooms Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
profuse — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin profusus, past participle of profundere to pour forth, from pro forth + fundere to pour more at found Date: 15th century 1. pouring forth liberally ; extravagant < profuse in their thanks > 2.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
profuse — adj. (cannot stand alone) profuse in (profuse in one s apologies) * * * [prə fjuːs] (cannot stand alone) profuse in (profuse in one s apologies) … Combinatory dictionary