- profundity
- prəˈfʌndɪtɪ сущ.
1) (огромная) глубина
2) пропасть
3) глубина ума, сила интеллекта Syn : abstruseness
4) основательность, полнота Syn : thoroughness n
1) глубина;
2) пропасть
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Profundity — Pro*fun di*ty, n.; pl. { ties}. [L. profunditas: cf. F. profondite. See {Profound}.] The quality or state of being profound; depth of place, knowledge, feeling, etc. The vast profundity obscure. Milton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
profundity — index sagacity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
profundity — (n.) late 15c., from O.Fr. profundite (Mod.Fr. profondité), from L.L. profunditas depth, from profundus (see PROFOUND (Cf. profound)) … Etymology dictionary
profundity — [prō fun′də tē, prəfun′də tē] n. pl. profundities [ME profundite < MFr < LL profunditas] 1. depth, esp. great depth 2. intellectual depth 3. a profound idea, matter, etc … English World dictionary
profundity — [[t]prəfʌ̱ndɪti[/t]] profundities 1) N UNCOUNT Profundity is great intellectual depth and understanding. The profundity of this book is achieved with breathtaking lightness. Syn: depth 2) N UNCOUNT: usu N of n If you refer to the profundity of a… … English dictionary
profundity — noun formal 1 (U) the quality of knowing and understanding a lot, or having strong, serious feelings: a young woman of extraordinary profundity | Fairy tales have a profundity absent in most children s literature. 2 (countable usually plural)… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
profundity — pro|fun|di|ty [prəˈfʌndıti] n plural profundities formal 1.) [U] when someone or something shows great knowledge and understanding, or strong, serious feelings = ↑depth ▪ The cartoon version lacks the profundity of the original text. 2.) [C… … Dictionary of contemporary English
profundity — pro|fun|di|ty [ prə fʌndəti ] noun uncount FORMAL 1. ) the quality of being very wise and serious 2. ) seriousness or importance: the profundity of these social changes … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
profundity — UK [prəˈfʌndətɪ] / US noun [uncountable] formal 1) the quality of being very wise and serious 2) seriousness, or importance the profundity of these social changes … English dictionary
profundity — profound ► ADJECTIVE (profounder, profoundest) 1) very great or intense. 2) showing great knowledge or insight. 3) demanding deep study or thought. 4) archaic very deep. DERIVATIVES profoundly adverb … English terms dictionary
profundity — noun 1. wisdom that is recondite and abstruse and profound (Freq. 1) the anthropologist was impressed by the reconditeness of the native proverbs • Syn: ↑reconditeness, ↑abstruseness, ↑abstrusity, ↑profoundness • Derivationally related forms … Useful english dictionary