
pəˈlaɪt прил.
1) вежливый, любезный, учтивый, обходительный;
благовоспитанный Syn : considerate, affable, civil, courteous, courtly, mannerly, well-behaved, well-mannered Ant : gauche, rude
2) а) изящный;
изысканный, тонкий, утонченный;
рафинированный (о предметах, явлениях) polite education polite learning Syn : refined, grace, polished, elegant;
correct б) (хорошо) воспитанный, культурный, получивший классическое образование (о человеке) Syn : civilized, cultivated, cultured, well-bred вежливый, учтивый;
благовоспитанный - the * thing благовоспитанность изысканный, утонченный - * society /company/ изысканное общество, (высший) свет изящный, утонченный - * letters /literature/ изящная литература /словесность/, беллетристика - * learning классическое образование the ~ thing разг. благовоспитанность;
to do the polite разг. стараться вести себя благовоспитанно polite вежливый, любезный, учтивый, обходительный;
благовоспитанный ~ изысканный (об обществе, компании) ~ изящный;
polite letters (или literature) изящная литература, беллетристика;
polite learning классическое образование ~ изящный;
polite letters (или literature) изящная литература, беллетристика;
polite learning классическое образование ~ изящный;
polite letters (или literature) изящная литература, беллетристика;
polite learning классическое образование the ~ thing разг. благовоспитанность;
to do the polite разг. стараться вести себя благовоспитанно

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "polite" в других словарях:

  • Polite — Po*lite , a. [Compar. {Politer}; superl. {Politest}.] [L. politus, p. p. of polire to polish: cf. F. poli. See {Polish}, v.] 1. Smooth; polished. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Rays of light falling on a polite surface. Sir I. Newton. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • polite — [pə līt′] adj. [L politus, pp. of polire, to POLISH] 1. having or showing culture or good taste; polished; cultured; refined [polite society, polite letters] 2. having or showing good manners; esp., courteous, considerate, tactful, etc. SYN.… …   English World dictionary

  • Polite — Po*lite , v. t. To polish; to refine; to render polite. [Obs.] Ray. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • polite — ► ADJECTIVE (politer, politest) 1) courteous and well mannered. 2) cultured and refined: polite society. DERIVATIVES politely adverb politeness noun. ORIGIN Latin politus polished, made smooth , from polire …   English terms dictionary

  • polite — index diplomatic, discreet, formal, obeisant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • polite — (adj.) mid 13c., from L. politus refined, elegant, lit. polished, pp. of polire to polish, to make smooth. Used literally at first in English; sense of elegant, cultured is first recorded c.1500, that of behaving courteously is 1762 …   Etymology dictionary

  • polite — *civil, courteous, courtly, gallant, chivalrous Analogous words: *suave, urbane, diplomatic, politic: *thoughtful, considerate, attentive Antonyms: impolite …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • polite — [adj] mannerly, civilized affable, amenable, amiable, attentive, bland, civil, complaisant, concerned, conciliatory, condescending, considerate, cordial, courteous, courtly, cultured, deferential, diplomatic, elegant, friendly, genteel, gentle,… …   New thesaurus

  • polite — po|lite S3 [pəˈlaıt] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: , past participle of polire; POLISH1] 1.) behaving or speaking in a way that is correct for the social situation you are in, and showing that you are careful to consider other people s… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • polite — adjective 1 behaving or speaking in a way that is correct for the social situation you are in, and showing that you are careful to consider other people s needs and feelings: a polite refusal | What polite well behaved children! | it is polite to …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • polite */ — UK [pəˈlaɪt] / US adjective Word forms polite : adjective polite comparative politer superlative politest a) someone who is polite behaves towards other people in a pleasant way that follows all the usual rules of society polite to: You must be… …   English dictionary

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