
ˈpəuɪtrɪ сущ.
1) поэзия;
стихи to compose, write poetry ≈ писать стихи to memorize poetry ≈ помнить, запоминать стихи, учить стихи наизусть to read poetry ≈ читать стихи to recite poetry ≈ декламировать стихи, читать стихи наизусть to scan poetry ≈ скандировать стихи dramatic poetry ≈ драматическая поэзия epic, heroic poetry ≈ эпическая, героическая поэзия lyric poetry ≈ лирика, лирическая поэзия narrative poetry ≈ повествовательная, эпическая поэзия Syn : rhyme, verse, poesy
2) поэтичность поэзия (редкое) поэзия, поэтические произведения, стихи поэтическая проза что-л. прекрасное, поэтичное поэтичность poetry поэзия;
стихи ~ поэтичность

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "poetry" в других словарях:

  • Poetry — Po et*ry, n. [OF. poeterie. See {Poet}.] 1. The art of apprehending and interpreting ideas by the faculty of imagination; the art of idealizing in thought and in expression. [1913 Webster] For poetry is the blossom and the fragrance of all human… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • POETRY —    Poetry has always played an integral role in Japanese literature. From the earliest introduction of the Chinese writing system, Japanese language poetry was being collected and written in such works as the eighth century Man’yoshu (Collection… …   Japanese literature and theater

  • Poetry — Données clés Réalisation Lee Chang dong Sociétés de production Pine House Film Pays d’origine  Coree du Sud …   Wikipédia en Français

  • poetry — (n.) late 14c., poetry; a poem; ancient literature; poetical works, fables, or tales, from O.Fr. poetrie (13c.), from M.L. poetria (c.650), from L. poeta (see POET (Cf. poet)). In classical Latin, poetria meant poetess. ... I decided not to tell… …   Etymology dictionary

  • poetry — ► NOUN 1) poems collectively or as a literary genre. 2) a quality of beauty and emotional intensity regarded as characteristic of poetry …   English terms dictionary

  • poetry — [n] expressive, rhythmic literary work balladry, doggerel, metrical composition, paean, poems, poesy, rhyme, rhyming, rime, rune, song, stanza, verse, versification; concepts 268,282,349 Ant. prose  …   New thesaurus

  • poetry — [pō′ə trē] n. [ME poetrie < OFr < ML poetria < L poeta, POET2] 1. the art, theory, or structure of poems 2. poems; poetical works 3. a) poetic qualities; the rhythm, feelings, spirit, etc. of poems b) the e …   English World dictionary

  • Poetry — This article is about the art form. For other uses, see Poetry (disambiguation). Literature Major forms Novel · Poem · Drama Short story · Novella …   Wikipedia

  • POETRY — This article is arranged according to the following outline (for modern poetry, see hebrew literature , Modern; see also prosody ): biblical poetry introduction the search for identifiable indicators of biblical poetry the presence of poetry in… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • poetry — poetryless, adj. /poh i tree/, n. 1. the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts. 2. literary work in metrical form; verse. 3. prose with poetic qualities. 4. poetic… …   Universalium

  • poetry —    It is a commonly acknowledged truism that reading and writing poetry are both valued and difficult exercises. Poetry has an important cultural position because it is often manifestly difficult, made so by the apparent obscurity of its… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

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