plug-ugly — ruffian, 1856, originally in Baltimore, Maryland, from PLUG (Cf. plug) (n.), Amer.Eng. slang for the stovepipe hats then popular among young men, + UGLY (Cf. ugly) … Etymology dictionary
plug-ugly — ☆ plug ugly [plug′ug′lē ] n. pl. plug uglies 〚see PLUG, vt. 6〛 [Old Slang] a city ruffian or gangster; rowdy * * * plug ug·ly (plŭgʹŭg lē) n. Slang pl. plug ug·lies A gangster or ruffian. … Universalium
plug-ugly — ☆ plug ugly [plug′ug′lē ] n. pl. plug uglies [see PLUG, vt. 6] [Old Slang] a city ruffian or gangster; rowdy … English World dictionary
plug-ugly — mod. very ugly. (See also pug ugly.) D Your dog is just plug ugly. □ My plug ugly dog happens to be pedigreed … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
plug-ugly — /ˈplʌg ʌgli/ (say plug uglee) US Colloquial –noun (plural plug uglies) 1. a ruffian; a rowdy; a tough. –adjective 2. characteristic of or relating to ruffians or the like. {US slang (1850s); plug of uncertain origin + ugly; originally Plug Ugly a …
plug-ugly informal, — plug ugly informal, chiefly N. Amer. noun (plural plug uglies) a thug or villain. adjective (of a person) very ugly. Origin C19: by assoc. with plug in the sense hit with the fist … English new terms dictionary
plug-ugly — Adj. Very ugly. Originally a ruffian, and taken from the New York gang of the mid 1800s, called the Plug Uglies. Orig. U.S … English slang and colloquialisms
plug-ugly — adjective Very ugly … Wiktionary
plug ugly — Synonyms and related words: battler, belligerent, belted knight, bickerer, blade, bravo, brawler, bruiser, bully, bullyboy, combatant, competitor, contender, contestant, disputant, duelist, enforcer, fencer, feuder, fighter, fighting cock,… … Moby Thesaurus
Plug-ugly — extremely ugly … Dictionary of Australian slang
plug-ugly — Australian Slang extremely ugly … English dialects glossary