
ˈplezntrɪ сущ.
1) шутливость
2) шутка;
шутливое замечание;
комическая выходка Syn : joke
3) удовольствие We lose the relish for the thousand pleasantries of life. ≈ Мы теряем вкус к тысячам удовольствий жизни. шутливость;
веселость шутка;
шутливое замечание - silly * глупая шутка - an inexhaustible subject of * постоянный предмет шуток комическая выходка pleasantry шутка;
шутливое замечание;
комическая выходка ~ шутливость

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pleasantry" в других словарях:

  • Pleasantry — Pleas ant*ry, n.; pl. {Pleasantries}. [F. plaisanterie. See {Pleasant}.] That which denotes or promotes pleasure or good humor; cheerfulness; gayety; merriment; especially, an agreeable playfulness in conversation; a jocose or humorous remark;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pleasantry — (n.) sprightly humor in conversation, 1650s, from Fr. plaisanterie, from O.Fr. plesanterie (13c.), from plaisant (see PLEASANT (Cf. pleasant)). It has the word s modern French sense of funny, jocular. Related: Pleasantries …   Etymology dictionary

  • pleasantry — [n] nice remark badinage, banter, bon mot*, humor, jest, joke, joking, levity, merriment, quip, quirk, repartee, sally*, squib*, wit, witticism; concepts 273,278 Ant. criticism …   New thesaurus

  • pleasantry — ► NOUN (pl. pleasantries) 1) an inconsequential remark made as part of a polite conversation. 2) a mildly amusing joke …   English terms dictionary

  • pleasantry — [plez′ən trē] n. pl. pleasantries [Fr plaisanterie] 1. the quality or state of being pleasant, or playful, in conversation; jocularity 2. a) a humorous remark or action; joke b) a polite social remark [to exchange pleasantries] …   English World dictionary

  • pleasantry — UK [ˈplez(ə)ntrɪ] / US [ˈplezəntrɪ] noun [countable, usually plural] Word forms pleasantry : singular pleasantry plural pleasantries a pleasant remark that you make in order to be polite. When two people exchange pleasantries, they talk to each… …   English dictionary

  • pleasantry — noun 1) we exchanged pleasantries Syn: banter, badinage; polite remark, casual remark 2) he laughed at his own pleasantry Syn: joke, witticism, quip, jest, gag, bon mot; informal wisecrack, crack …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • pleasantry — noun (plural ries) Date: 1597 1. a humorous act or remark ; jest 2. an agreeable playfulness in conversation ; banter 3. a polite social remark < exchanged pleasantries > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pleasantry — /plez euhn tree/, n., pl. pleasantries. 1. good humored teasing; banter. 2. a humorous or jesting remark. 3. a courteous social remark used to initiate or facilitate a conversation: to exchange pleasantries. 4. a humorous action. [1645 55; < F… …   Universalium

  • pleasantry — noun a) A casual, courteous remark b) A playful remark; a jest …   Wiktionary

  • pleasantry — Synonyms and related words: Atticism, affability, agile wit, agreeability, agreeableness, amenity, amiability, amicability, aphorism, apothegm, badinage, banter, black humor, bliss, blissfulness, bon mot, boutade, bright idea, bright thought,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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