Смотреть что такое "plaidie" в других словарях:
plaidie — plaid·ie … English syllables
plaidie — ˈplādi noun ( s) Etymology: plaid (I) + ie Scotland : plaid 1 … Useful english dictionary
Highland Laddie — Highland Laddie, also known as Hielan Laddie, is the name of an ancient Scottish popular folk tune If thou lt play me fair play [1. Smith, Alexander, p.264 ] , but as with many old melodies, various sets of words can be sung to it and Robert… … Wikipedia
Schottische — The schottische is a partnered country dance, that apparently originated in Bohemia[citation needed]. It was popular in Victorian era ballrooms as a part of the Bohemian folk dance craze and left its traces in folk music of countries such as… … Wikipedia
Hector Macneill — (October 22, 1746 15 March, 1818) was a Scottish poet born near Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland. Macneill had been the son of a poor army captain and went to work as a clerk in 1760 at the age of fourteen. Soon, he was sent to the West Indies and… … Wikipedia
Scottish highland dance — The term Highland Dancing is used today to refer to a style of athletic solo dancing which evolved into its current form during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in the context of competitions at public events (namely, Highland games), where … Wikipedia
plaider — (plè dé) v. n. 1° Contester quelque chose en justice. • Depuis qu il est des lois, l homme pour ses péchés Se condamne à plaider la moitié de sa vie, LA FONT. Fabl. XII, 27. • C est être damné dès ce monde que d avoir à plaider, MOL.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
plaid — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. plaidie, tartan, check; kilt, shawl. See variegation. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. tartan, crossbarred cloth, checkered cloth, Highland plaid, Scotch Highland plaid, kilt, filibeg; see also check 5 , cloth … English dictionary for students
MacNeill, Hector — (1746 1818) Poet, was in the West Indies 1780 86, and clerk on a flagship. He wrote various political pamphlets, two novels, and several poems, The Harp (1789), The Carse of Forth, and Scotland s Skaith, the last against drunkenness, but is… … Short biographical dictionary of English literature
MacNeill, Hector — (1746 1818) Scottish poet, the son of James Macneill, a retired captain of the 42nd Regiment, was born at Rosebank, near Roslin, Midlothian. Educated at Stirling Grammar School, he then worked as a sailor in the West Indies until around 1776.… … British and Irish poets
pladdy — ˈpladi variant of plaidie … Useful english dictionary