Смотреть что такое "plaiding" в других словарях:
Plaiding — Plaid ing, n. Plaid cloth. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
plaiding — plaid·ing … English syllables
plaiding — ˈpladiŋ noun ( s) Etymology: plaid (I) + ing : plaid 2 … Useful english dictionary
River Bladnoch — The Bladnoch is a river in the Machars of Galloway in southwest Scotland. One of the earliest descriptions of it is given by Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw and Sir David Dunbar in an appendix to Andrew Symson s work A Large Description of Galloway… … Wikipedia
Plaid — (spr. Plehd), 1) (Tartan), Art Mantel bei den Hochschotten, besteht aus einem Stücke groben buntquarrirten Tuches u. wird bei gutem Wetter zusammengeschlagen getragen; 2) (Plaiding) grobes, buntquarrirtes Umschlagetuch für Damen, in neuerer Zeit… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
plaid — 1. plaid [ plɛ ] n. m. • 842 « convention, accord »; lat. placitum, p. p. de placere « plaire » ♦ Vx 1 ♦ Tribunal féodal, assemblée judiciaire ou politique du haut Moyen Âge; audience que tenait le tribunal. Son jugement, sa décision. 2 ♦… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Aberdeen — ABERDEEN, a city, and sea port town, the seat of a university, the capital of the county of Aberdeen, and the metropolis of the North of Scotland, 109 miles (N. N. E.) from Edinburgh, and 425 (N. by W.) from London; containing, with parts of… … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
Alloa — ALLOA, a burgh of barony, sea port town, and parish, in the county of Clackmannan, 7 miles (E.) from Stirling; containing, with the villages of Cambus, Coalyland, Holton Square, and Tullibody, 7921 inhabitants, of whom 5434 are in the burgh,… … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
Auchinleck — AUCHINLECK, a parish, in the district of Kyle, county of Ayr, 1½ mile (N. W.) from Old Cumnock; containing 1659 inhabitants, of whom about 600 are in the village. This place, of which the Celtic name is descriptive of its abounding with stone … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
Crieff — CRIEFF, a parish, in the county of Perth; containing 4333 inhabitants, of whom 3584 are in the town of Crieff, 17 miles (W. by S.) from Perth, and 56 (N. W.) from Edinburgh. This place, of which the name, of Gaelic origin, is derived from its… … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
Dalmellington — DALMELLINGTON, a parish, in the district of Kyle, county of Ayr, 14 miles (S. E. by S.) from Ayr; containing 1199 inhabitants. This place derived its name, signifying in the Gaelic language the town of the valley of the mill, from the… … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland