
1. сущ.
1) а) кол;
штакетина б) ист. кол (как орудие наказания в 17-18 веке)
2) а) пикет б) воен. сторожевая застава
3) а) пикетчик б) дозор, отряд сторожевой заставы
2. гл.
1) расставлять заставы и т. п.
2) выставлять пикет(ы) ;
пикетировать His employer's shop was picketed by about two or three men in the morning. ≈ Два или три человека стали пикетировать магазин его работодателя утром. Syn : piquet II
3) а) обносить частоколом, окружать Syn : palisade
2. б) привязывать к забору (особ. о домашних животных) saddled and picketed horses ≈ оседланные и привязанные к забору лошади
4) ист. привязывать к колу (как наказание) пикет - strike * пикет бастующих рабочих - to be on * быть пикетчиком, быть в пикете пикетчик пикет, сторожевой отряд, застава - to be on * быть на посту /в пикете/ - to go on * идти в пикет (американизм) (военное) усиленный полевой караул (американизм) участник демонстрации пикетировать - to * a factory пикетировать фабрику (военное) выставлять охранение, выставлять пикет и т. п. кол;
заборный столб;
пикет деревянные рейки, штакетник огораживать;
обносить частоколом, штакетником прибивать, прикреплять кольями привязывать (к колу) picket выставлять пикет(ы) ;
расставлять заставы ~ кол ~ обносить частоколом ~ пикет ~ пикетировать ~ пикетчик ~ привязывать к колу ~ воен. сторожевая застава piquet: piquet = picket

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "picket" в других словарях:

  • picket — pick·et 1 n: a person posted by a labor organization at a place of employment affected by a labor dispute; broadly: a person posted for a demonstration or protest picket 2 vt: to post pickets in front of: walk or stand in front of as a picket… …   Law dictionary

  • Picket — may refer to: Picketing (protest), a form of protest A climbing tool used to anchor a rope Picket fence Screw picket, a tethering device Picket line, to tether horses Picket (military), a military formation Picket, a piece in fairy chess Picket… …   Wikipedia

  • picket — [pik′it] n. [Fr piquet < piquer, to pierce < pic,PIKE2] 1. a stake or slat, usually pointed, used as an upright in a fence, a hitching post for animals, a marker, etc. 2. a group of soldiers or a single soldier stationed, usually at an… …   English World dictionary

  • Picket — Pick et, n. [F. piquet, properly dim. of pique spear, pike. See {Pike}, and cf. {Piquet}.] 1. A stake sharpened or pointed, especially one used in fortification and encampments, to mark bounds and angles; or one used for tethering horses. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Picket — Pick et, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Picketed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Picketing}.] 1. To fortify with pointed stakes. [1913 Webster] 2. To inclose or fence with pickets or pales. [1913 Webster] 3. To tether to, or as to, a picket; as, to picket a horse.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • picket — [n1] post of structure pale, paling, palisade, panel, peg, pillar, rail, stake, stanchion, upright; concepts 445,479 picket [n2] person who demonstrates for cause demonstrator, picketer, protester, striker; concepts 348,359 picket [n3] person… …   New thesaurus

  • picket — ► NOUN 1) a person or group of people standing outside a workplace trying to persuade others not to enter during a strike. 2) a soldier or small body of troops sent out to watch for the enemy. 3) a pointed wooden stake driven into the ground. ►… …   English terms dictionary

  • Picket — (Feldmeßk.), so v.w. Kettennägel …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • picket — (n.) 1680s, pointed stake (for defense against cavalry, etc.), from Fr. piquet, from piquer to pierce (see PIKE (Cf. pike) (n.2)). Sense of troops posted to watch for enemy first recorded 1761; that of striking workers stationed to prevent others …   Etymology dictionary

  • picket — The verb has inflected forms picketed, picketing …   Modern English usage

  • picket — US /ˈpɪkɪt/ noun [C] HR, WORKPLACE ► (also picket line) a group of people who stand outside an organization s building holding signs to protest against something. The people who protest are often employees who disagree with the management: »The… …   Financial and business terms

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