
1. сущ.;
тж. phony
1) обман;
2) жулик, обманщик Syn : swindler, cheat
2. прил.;
тж. phony ложный, поддельный;
прикидывающийся, притворяющийся Syn : false, erroneous (американизм) (разговорное) обман;
подделка - this letter is a * это письмо - фальшивка - he got away with a * он перехитрил всех и вышел сухим из воды обманщик;
притворщик - all *s were weeded out, only true friends remained от всех лжедрузей избавились, остались только настоящие друзья "пустышка", пустозвон сноб (американизм) (разговорное) ложный, поддельный, фальшивый;
"липовый" - * acting неискреннее поведение - a * sheriff's badge поддельный значок шерифа - * war "странная война" (период второй мировой войны от сентября 1939 г. до мая 1940 г.) - it is a * imitation это скверная подделка /имитация/ - a * attempt неуклюжая попытка - he gave a * name он назвался чужим именем (американизм) (разговорное) подделывать - I am not *ing his words это его слова, без обмана phoney = phony phoney = phony phony: phony жулик, обманщик ~ разг. ложный, поддельный;
дутый ~ обман;
подделка ~ обман ~ подделка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "phoney" в других словарях:

  • phoney — pho ney (f[=o] n[=e]), a. [Also spelled {phony}.] [Compar. {phonier}; superl. {phoniest}.] 1. imitating something superior; intended to deceive; fraudulent; having a misleading appearance; not genuine; counterfeit; fake; as, a phoney diamond; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • phoney — an informal word meaning ‘sham, fake’ (adjective and noun), is of uncertain origin and not traced in print before 1900. Its currency was greatly boosted by the use of the term phoney war to refer to the relative inaction in the early months of… …   Modern English usage

  • phoney — pho ney (f[=o] n[=e]), n. something or someone that is phony. [Also spelled {phony}.] [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • phoney — (also phony) informal ► ADJECTIVE (phonier, phoniest) ▪ not genuine. ► NOUN (pl. phoneys or phonies) ▪ a fraudulent person or thing. DERIVATIVES phonily adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • phoney — ☆ phoney [fō′nē ] adj., n. alt. sp. of PHONY: the preferred Brit. sp …   English World dictionary

  • phoney — [[t]fo͟ʊni[/t]] phoneys also phony 1) ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe something as phoney, you disapprove of it because it is false rather than genuine. [INFORMAL] He d telephoned with some phoney excuse she didn t believe for a minute …   English dictionary

  • phoney — UK [ˈfəʊnɪ] / US [ˈfoʊnɪ] adjective Word forms phoney : adjective phoney comparative phonier superlative phoniest informal 1) not real and intended to trick people a phoney ID card 2) someone who is phoney pretends to be friendly, clever, kind… …   English dictionary

  • phoney — also phony AmE adjective informal 1 false or not real, and intended to deceive someone; fake: a phoney British accent | I gave the police a phoney address. 2 someone who is phoney pretends to be good, clever, kind etc when they are not phoney… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • phoney — pho|ney also phony AmE [ˈfəuni US ˈfou ] adj informal 1.) false or not real, and intended to deceive someone = ↑fake ▪ a phoney American accent 2.) someone who is phoney is insincere and pretends to be something they are not >phoney n …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • phoney — 1. informal; adjective a phoney address Syn: bogus, false, fake, fraudulent, counterfeit, forged, imitation, affected, insincere; informal pretend; Brit.; informal cod Ant: authentic 2 …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • phoney — 1. adjective 1900 Fraudulent; fake; having a misleading appearance. A good jeweler should be able to tell a real stone from a phoney one. Syn: bogus, counterfeit, fake 2. noun …   Wiktionary

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