

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "penises" в других словарях:

  • penises — pe·nis || pɪːnɪs n. male sexual organ homologous with the clitoris …   English contemporary dictionary

  • List of sex positions — This list of sex positions includes descriptions of various forms of sexual intercourse and other sexual acts between people. Sexual acts are generally described by the positions the participants take in order to perform those acts. Alfred Kinsey …   Wikipedia

  • Human penis size — is the measured length and width of the human penis. The most accurate measurement of the human penis comes from several measurements at different times, as there is natural variability in size due to arousal level, time of day, room temperature …   Wikipedia

  • Sex positions — are positions which people may adopt during or for the purpose of sexual intercourse or other sexual activities. Sexual acts are generally described by the positions the participants adopt in order to perform those acts. Though sexual intercourse …   Wikipedia

  • Genital retraction syndrome — (GRS), generally considered a culture specific syndrome, is a condition in which an individual is overcome with the belief that his/her external genitals mdash;or also, in females, breasts mdash;are retracting into the body, shrinking, or in some …   Wikipedia

  • Penis removal — Not to be confused with Castration. In ancient civilizations, removal of the human penis was sometimes used as a means of demonstrating superiority: armies were sometimes known to sever the penises of their enemies to count the dead, as well as… …   Wikipedia

  • Размер полового члена мужчины — относится к длине и ширине мужских половых органов. Интерес к половому члену большего размера привел к возникновению рынка услуг по увеличению полового члена. Существуют сотни компаний, пытающихся убедить мужчину в том, что его половой член… …   Википедия

  • Limax maximus — Great grey slug Limax maximus Limax maximus …   Wikipedia

  • Размер мужского полового члена — Эту статью следует викифицировать. Пожалуйста, оформите её согласно правилам оформления статей. Размер полового члена мужчины относится к длине и ширине мужских половых органов. При сравнении с другими приматами, вк …   Википедия

  • Diphallia — Diphallia, penile duplication (PD), diphallic terata, or diphallasparatus, is a medical condition in which a male infant is born with two penises. This is an extremely rare disorder with only approximately 100 cases of diphallia recorded since… …   Wikipedia

  • Deep throat in pornographic film — Deep throat has been widely used in pornographic film.Performer dominatedWhen the person performing the deep throat dominates the deepthroat scene, the act is usually slower, more calculated with the actor performing for the camera. As a by… …   Wikipedia

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