
pəˈtə:nɪtɪ сущ.
1) отцовство Syn : fatherhood
2) а) происхождение по отцу She resolved to keep the secret of the baby's paternity from all. ≈ Она решила скрыть от всех, кто отец ребенка. б) перен. авторство;
источник Many of the historical proverbs have a doubtful paternity. ≈ Многие известные исторические выражения имеют сомнительное авторство. отцовство - disputed * спорное отцовство источник, авторство - many historical proverbs have a doubtful * происхождение многих старинных пословиц неясно establishment of ~ установление отцовства paternity перен. авторство;
источник ~ авторство ~ отцовство ~ отцовство ~ происхождение по отцу;
the paternity of the child is unknown неизвестно, кто отец ребенка ~ происхождение по отцу;
the paternity of the child is unknown неизвестно, кто отец ребенка presumption of ~ презумпция отцовства reputation of ~ лишение отцовства

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "paternity" в других словарях:

  • paternity — pa·ter·ni·ty /pə tər nə tē/ n 1: the quality or state of being a father 2: origin or descent from a father Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Paternity — Pa*ter ni*ty, n. [L. paternitas: cf. F. paternit[ e]. See {Paternal}.] 1. The relation of a father to his child; fathership; fatherhood; family headship; as, the divine paternity. [1913 Webster] The world, while it had scarcity of people,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Paternity — may refer to:*Paternity (biology and medicine), the biological / genetic descendency of an offspring to its male parent (sexually reproducing species) *Paternity (law), the legal acknowledgment of the parental relationship between a father and… …   Wikipedia

  • paternity — This isn t a business term delete? pa‧ter‧ni‧ty [pəˈtɜːnti ǁ ɜːr ] noun [uncountable] LAW the fact of being the father of a particular child, or the question of who the child s father is: • The court was unable to act in instances where… …   Financial and business terms

  • paternity — (n.) mid 15c., condition of being a father, from M.Fr. paternité (12c.), from L.L. paternitatem (nom. paternitas) fatherly care, fatherhood, from L. paternus of a father, from pater (see FATHER (Cf. father) (n.)). Originally in the ecclesiastical …   Etymology dictionary

  • paternity — ► NOUN 1) the state of being a father. 2) descent from a father …   English terms dictionary

  • paternity — [pə tʉr′nə tē] n. [OFr paternité < LL paternitas < L paternus, paternal < pater,FATHER] 1. the state of being a father; fatherhood 2. male parentage; paternal origin 3. origin or authorship in general …   English World dictionary

  • paternity — I. noun Date: 1582 1. the quality or state of being a father 2. origin or descent from a father II. adjective Date: 1926 1. granted to a father < paternity leave > < paternity rights > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Paternity — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Paternity >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 paternity paternity Sgm: N 1 parentage parentage Sgm: N 1 consanguinity consanguinity &c. 11 GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 parent parent Sgm: N 2 father …   English dictionary for students

  • paternity — noun a) fatherhood, being a father b) parental descent from the fathers side See Also: paternity leave, paternity suit, paternity test …   Wiktionary

  • paternity — n. to establish paternity * * * [pə tɜːnɪtɪ] to establish paternity …   Combinatory dictionary

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