- out of line
1) исключительный, из ряда вон выходящий (о курсе ценных бумаг)
2) несоответствующий (напр. установившейся практике)
3) отклоняющийся от принятой технологии
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
out of line — ► out of line informal behaving inappropriately or incorrectly. Main Entry: ↑line … English terms dictionary
out of line — index nonconforming Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
out of line — phrasal : not in a lineal arrangement: as a. : not in a straight line : out of alignment b. : not in a state of harmonious conformity prices and wages were badly out of line c. : not in order or concord : badly behaved sorry if I was … Useful english dictionary
out\ of\ line — I. adv. phr. Not in a straight line; away from a true line. The two edges were out of line and there was a space between them. The sergeant ordered the soldier who was out of line to get properly lined up. II. adj. phr. Not obeying or agreeing… … Словарь американских идиом
Out of Line — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Out of Line Produktionsland USA … Deutsch Wikipedia
out of line(2) — {adj. phr.} Not obeying or agreeing with what is right or usual; doing or being what people do not expect or accept; outside ordinary or proper limits; not usual, right, or proper. * /Little Mary got out of line and was rude to Aunt Elizabeth./ * … Dictionary of American idioms
out of line(2) — {adj. phr.} Not obeying or agreeing with what is right or usual; doing or being what people do not expect or accept; outside ordinary or proper limits; not usual, right, or proper. * /Little Mary got out of line and was rude to Aunt Elizabeth./ * … Dictionary of American idioms
out of line(1) — {adv. phr.} Not in a straight line; away from a true line. * /The two edges were out of line and there was a space between them./ * /The sergeant ordered the soldier who was out of line to get properly lined up./ … Dictionary of American idioms
out of line(1) — {adv. phr.} Not in a straight line; away from a true line. * /The two edges were out of line and there was a space between them./ * /The sergeant ordered the soldier who was out of line to get properly lined up./ … Dictionary of American idioms
out of line — Synonyms and related words: aberrant, abnormal, abominable, approximate, approximative, atrocious, bad, criminal, delinquent, deviant, disgraceful, disorderly, disruptive, evil, hardly the thing, ignominious, ill adapted, ill assorted, ill chosen … Moby Thesaurus
out of line — completely unacceptable. Some members of Congress said the decision to send in troops was completely out of line. She s trying to sell the house for about $250,000, but that price is way out of line for this part of town. Usage notes: often used… … New idioms dictionary