out of kilter
Смотреть что такое "out of kilter" в других словарях:
out of kilter — {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Not balanced right; not in a straight line or lined up right. * /The scale must be out of kilter because when I weighed myself on it, it said 300 pounds./ * /The wheels of my bicycle were out of kilter after it hit the… … Dictionary of American idioms
out of kilter — {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Not balanced right; not in a straight line or lined up right. * /The scale must be out of kilter because when I weighed myself on it, it said 300 pounds./ * /The wheels of my bicycle were out of kilter after it hit the… … Dictionary of American idioms
out of kilter — 1. if something is out of kilter, it is not operating or working as it should. Even one sleepless night can throw your body out of kilter. 2. if two things are out of kilter, or if one thing is out of kilter with another, they are not similar any … New idioms dictionary
out of kilter — 1. mod. not functioning properly; on the fritz; out of w(h)ack. □ My ar’s engine is out of kilter and needs some repair work. □ My coffeepot is out of kilter, so I have to make coffee in a pan. 2. mod. out of square … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
out\ of\ kilter — adj. phr. informal 1. Not balanced right; not in a straight line or lined up right. The scale must be out of kilter because when I weighed myself on it, it said 300 pounds. The wheels of my bicycle were out of kilter after it hit the tree.… … Словарь американских идиом
out of kilter — off kilter or out of kilter slightly strange or crazy, or not right in some way Things are totally out of kilter in our society … English dictionary
out of kilter — jet lag has left me completely out of kilter Syn: awry, off balance, unbalanced, out of order, disordered, confused, muddled, disoriented, out of tune, out of whack, out of step; humorous discombobulated … Thesaurus of popular words
out of kilter — adverb Disturbed; out of order; not working or adjusted properly. I stayed up late to watch a movie, and my entire sleeping schedule has been out of kilter ever since … Wiktionary
out of kilter — not balanced right, not in a straight line or lined up right The door handle seems to be out of kilter and doesn t work well at all … Idioms and examples
out of kilter with — phrase different from someone or something else, in a way that spoils a situation or arrangement This government is totally out of kilter with the rest of the country. Thesaurus: different and differentlysynonym Main entry: kilter … Useful english dictionary
out of kilter — out of harmony or balance. → kilter … English new terms dictionary