orthogonalization method

orthogonalization method
мат. метод ортогонализации

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "orthogonalization method" в других словарях:

  • Hartree-Fock — In computational physics and computational chemistry, the Hartree Fock (HF) method is an approximate method for the determination of the ground state wavefunction and ground state energy of a quantum many body system.The Hartree Fock method… …   Wikipedia

  • Arnoldi-Verfahren — In der numerischen Mathematik ist das Arnoldi Verfahren wie das Lanczos Verfahren ein iteratives Verfahren zur Bestimmung einiger Eigenwerte und zugehöriger Eigenvektoren. Im Arnoldi Verfahren wird zu einer gegebenen Matrix und einem gegebenen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • FOM — steht für: Formula One Management, das für die kommerzielle Seite der Formel 1 federführende Unternehmen Hochschule für Oekonomie Management, eine private Hochschule Forschungsinstitut für Optronik und Mustererkennung, siehe Institute der FGAN… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Volterra series — The Volterra series and Volterra theorem was developed in 1887 by Vito Volterra. It is a model for non linear behavior, similar to the Taylor series. It differs from the Taylor series in its ability to capture memory effects. The Taylor series… …   Wikipedia

  • Gram–Schmidt process — In mathematics, particularly linear algebra and numerical analysis, the Gram–Schmidt process is a method for orthogonalizing a set of vectors in an inner product space, most commonly the Euclidean space R n . The Gram–Schmidt process takes a… …   Wikipedia

  • Singular value decomposition — Visualization of the SVD of a 2 dimensional, real shearing matrix M. First, we see the unit disc in blue together with the two canonical unit vectors. We then see the action of M, which distorts the disk to an ellipse. The SVD decomposes M into… …   Wikipedia

  • List of numerical analysis topics — This is a list of numerical analysis topics, by Wikipedia page. Contents 1 General 2 Error 3 Elementary and special functions 4 Numerical linear algebra …   Wikipedia

  • Arnoldi iteration — In numerical linear algebra, the Arnoldi iteration is an eigenvalue algorithm and an important example of iterative methods. Arnoldi finds the eigenvalues of general (possibly non Hermitian) matrices; an analogous method for Hermitian matrices is …   Wikipedia

  • Orthogonality — The line segments AB and CD are orthogonal to each other. Orthogonality occurs when two things can vary independently, they are uncorrelated, or they are perpendicular. Contents 1 Mathematics …   Wikipedia

  • Kalman filter — Roles of the variables in the Kalman filter. (Larger image here) In statistics, the Kalman filter is a mathematical method named after Rudolf E. Kálmán. Its purpose is to use measurements observed over time, containing noise (random variations)… …   Wikipedia

  • Zernike polynomials — Plots of the values in the unit disk.In mathematics, the Zernike polynomials are a sequence of polynomials that are orthogonal on the unit disk. Named after Frits Zernike, they play an important role in geometrical optics. DefinitionsThere are… …   Wikipedia

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