Orthogonalization — In linear algebra, orthogonalization is the process of finding a set of orthogonal vectors that span a particular subspace. Formally, starting with a linearly independent set of vectors {v1,...,vk} in an inner product space (most commonly the… … Wikipedia
orthogonalization — ortogonalizacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. orthogonalization vok. Orthogonalisierung, f rus. ортогонализация, f pranc. orthogonalisation, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
orthogonalization — ortogonalizavimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. orthogonalization vok. Orthogonalisierung, f rus. ортогонализация, f pranc. orthogonalisation, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
orthogonalization — noun see orthogonalize … New Collegiate Dictionary
orthogonalization — noun The process of converting a set of functions or vectors into orthogonal ones See Also: orthogonal … Wiktionary
orthogonalization — or·thog·o·nal·iza·tion … English syllables
orthogonalization — ȯ(r)ˌthägənələ̇ˈzāshən, gnəl , (ə)lˌīˈz noun ( s) Etymology: orthogonalize + ation : the replacement of a set of vectors by a linearly equivalent set of orthogonal vectors … Useful english dictionary
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization — /gram shmit /, Math. a process for constructing an orthogonal basis for a Euclidean space, given any basis for the space. [named after Jörgen Pedersen Gram (1850 1916), Danish mathematician, and Erhard Schmidt (1876 1959), German mathematician] * … Universalium
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization — /gram shmit /, Math. a process for constructing an orthogonal basis for a Euclidean space, given any basis for the space. [named after Jörgen Pedersen Gram (1850 1916), Danish mathematician, and Erhard Schmidt (1876 1959), German mathematician] … Useful english dictionary
orthogonalize — orthogonalization, n. /awr thog euh nl uyz /, v.t., orthogonalized, orthogonalizing. Math. to make (vectors, functions, etc.) orthogonal. Also, esp. Brit., orthogonalise. [1925 30; ORTHOGONAL + IZE] * * * … Universalium
Gram–Schmidt process — In mathematics, particularly linear algebra and numerical analysis, the Gram–Schmidt process is a method for orthogonalizing a set of vectors in an inner product space, most commonly the Euclidean space R n . The Gram–Schmidt process takes a… … Wikipedia