open-loop control

open-loop control
регулирование по разомкнутому циклу;
регулирование по обратной связи

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "open-loop control" в других словарях:

  • open-loop control — atvirosios grandinės valdymas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. open loop control vok. Steuerung mit offenem Kreis, f rus. управление в разомкнутом контуре, n pranc. commande en chaîne ouverte, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • open-loop control system — atviroji valdymo sistema statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. open loop control system; unmonitored control system vok. aufgeschnittenes Regelungssystem, n; rückführungsloses Steuersystem, n; Steuersystem, n rus. разомкнутая система… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Open-loop controller — An open loop controller, also called a non feedback controller, is a type of controller that computes its input into a system using only the current state and its model of the system. A characteristic of the open loop controller is that it does… …   Wikipedia

  • Open-loop controller — Un open loop controller, también llamado non feedback controller, es un tipo de controlador que procesa su entrada en un sistema usando solamente el estado actual y este modelo del sistema. Una característica del controlador open loop es de que… …   Wikipedia Español

  • open-loop catalytic converter — A preset converter which does not use an oxygen sensor control system and thus operates without feedback. The opposite is computer controlled catalytic converter. Certain engine management systems deactivate emission control systems (such as EGR… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • open loop — noun : a control system for an operation or process in which there is no self correcting action * * * open loop, the path or flow of input in an automated system without feedback, as distinguished from a closed or feedback loop …   Useful english dictionary

  • Open system (control theory) — An open system is a feedforward system that does not have any feedback loop to control its output in a control system in systems theory. The system is an open system because it does not have a feedback loop in its control. In contrast, a closed… …   Wikipedia

  • open loop — noun Date: 1947 a control system for an operation or process in which there is no self correcting action as there is in a closed loop …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • open loop — A system operating without feedback, or with only partial feedback. See also feedback control loop …   Aviation dictionary

  • open-loop fuel control — A non feedback mode of operation which a feedback system resorts to when the engine is started while it is still cold. During this period, the oxygen sensor isn t yet able to supply reliable data to the computer for controlling the air/fuel mix… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • open loop reflex — a reflex, such as a flexion reflex, in which the stimulus causes activity that it does not further control and that does not give it feedback …   Medical dictionary

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