
петленезамкнутый - open-loop control - open-loop gain (техническое) без обратной связи, несаморегулирующийся

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "open-loop" в других словарях:

  • Open-loop — may refer to: Open loop controller of a dynamical system Open loop model in game theory Open loop rhetorical device This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an …   Wikipedia

  • Open Loop — [ lu:p] der; [s], s <aus gleichbed. engl. open loop, eigtl. »offene Schleife«> Betriebsart von Computern, die automatisch Daten aus einem technischen Prozess erhalten, den Prozess aber nicht unmittelbar steuern (EDV); Ggs. ↑Closed Loop …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Open loop — An open loop is a rhetorical device to instill curiosity by creating anticipation for what will come next. The device is sometimes also called a tension loop for the tension and anticipation it creates. Short Example I just saw the most amazing… …   Wikipedia

  • open loop — noun : a control system for an operation or process in which there is no self correcting action * * * open loop, the path or flow of input in an automated system without feedback, as distinguished from a closed or feedback loop …   Useful english dictionary

  • open loop — atvirasis kontūras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. open circuit; open loop vok. offener Kreis, m; offener Regelkreis, m rus. открытый контур, m; разомкнутый контур, m pranc. circuit ouvert, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • open loop — atvirasis kontūras statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. open loop vok. geöffneter unverzweigter Stromkreis, m; nicht geschlossener unverzweigter Stromkreis, m; offener Kreis, m; offener Regelkreis, m; offener unverzweigter Stromkreis,… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Open-loop controller — An open loop controller, also called a non feedback controller, is a type of controller that computes its input into a system using only the current state and its model of the system. A characteristic of the open loop controller is that it does… …   Wikipedia

  • Open-loop controller — Un open loop controller, también llamado non feedback controller, es un tipo de controlador que procesa su entrada en un sistema usando solamente el estado actual y este modelo del sistema. Una característica del controlador open loop es de que… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Open-loop gain — The open loop gain of an operational amplifier is the gain obtained when no feedback is used in the circuit. Open loop gain is usually exceedingly high; in fact, an ideal operational amplifier has infinite open loop gain. Typically an op amp may… …   Wikipedia

  • Open-loop model — In game theory, an open loop model is the one where players cannot observe the play of their opponents, as opposed to a closed loop model, where all past play is common knowledge. The solution to an open loop model is called open loop equilibrium …   Wikipedia

  • Open-Loop System —   A heating system, such as a solar water heater or geothermal heatpump, in which the working fluid is heated and used directly; in an open loop solar system, the domestic water is circulated in the collector loop …   Energy terms

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